I dedicated a full chapter in my new book “Rip Off Your Blindfold” to encouraging people who are going through challenging situations. I titled it “Hitting rock bottom is a good thing”. How can an unpleasant experience be a good thing? When we go through situations that are difficult for us to handle, we experience stress, and sometimes apprehension. In many cases we are not sure what the result will be. Imagine someone who loses their job, or a loved one, or who becomes bankrupt or homeless, or gets betrayed by someone trusted. How would you explain to such a person that the situation is good? Through my journey in life, I have realized that we usually don’t see our situations correctly when we are under pressure or in trouble. We tend to look only from the perspective of our problems and challenges. And that beclouds our understanding of reality. Here is the truth. The experiences we go through prepare us for bigger things. When we think the situation is breaking us, it is making us. We become stronger not because someone tells us to be strong but because we go through circumstances that build strength and resilience in us. Most of the time when we think things are falling apart, they are falling into place. Just think about grapes. Grapes need to go through a long process that includes crushing and squeezing before becoming wine. A seed that will grow into a plant needs to become planted in the soil first. When you think you are being buried, you are just being planted and you will grow into a tree that produces great fruits. You are being submerged so that you can emerge. During challenging times, focus on the lesson. Let the hard times do the complete work of transforming you into a better version of yourself. You are on a journey with purpose. Stay on course and be an overcomer. Things are falling into place, not falling apart. Actions for the week
A quote to remember “The greater the destiny, the greater obstacles you’ll have to overcome. No great destiny comes without great challenges and sacrifices.” ― Jeanette Coron Until another time,
Dele Ola, Award-Winning Author of Be A Change Agent Click HERE to learn about and get copies of Dele’s Books
Of all the creatures in the wild, the eagle is quite spectacular. The eagle is physically strong and has a sharp-focus, long-range vision. More importantly, it possesses a mental attitude that guarantees success. The eagle never loses sight of its prey. It keeps the focus, directs its full energy to its target and holds tightly to its catch until it becomes fully secured. We have lots to learn from the eagle. Let us first consider what we have in common. It seems like we also have some strength, although differing only in magnitude. We generally have both the physical sight and an ability to mentally envision. May be a missing piece is the attitude that would always guarantee success – we tend to lose sight of our target. There are many different reasons one may lose sight of the target. Distraction, challenges, repeated failure, oppositions, and lack of enthusiasm are examples. I sometimes wonder if the eagle has its own challenges too. I believe so. It takes a mental attitude that is totally committed to reaching a set goal and achieving a definite feat to succeed. Those who lose focus, shifting their gaze away from their aim in life do not have much to show for their effort. Putting in effort and expending our energy is not enough. We must direct that energy to something specific and never lose sight of it. In fact, the issue with most of us is that we do not stay focused on the target. The challenge is that most people lose focus, majoring in the minor. Whatever you are, and whatever you do, you must develop your sight like that of the eagle. It is not about having a superior vision but about focusing on what you must do and getting it done. It is an attitude of the mind. If you are aiming for something, keep your eyes on it and direct your energy toward it. Hold tight to it until it is fully secured for you. Don’t ever lose sight of your target. Actions for the week
A quote to remember “Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun’s rays do not burn until brought to a focus.”- Alexander Graham Bell Until another time,
Dele Ola, Award-Winning Author of Be A Change Agent Click HERE to learn about and get copies of Dele’s Books Ting-a-ling… ding-dong…jingle-jangle… So does the bell sound from every corner. I have one question for you. How are you doing with your goals for this year? Oh yes, we will talk about goals again. Half of the year has almost passed, meaning that we should be half-way through achieving what we set out to do at the beginning of the year. Some of us may be nailing it, putting check marks on the items we wrote down as we realize the achievements. Some may be behind schedule, with the year passing so quickly and wondering where all the time has gone. Yet, some of us may be having the rollercoaster experience, winning some and losing some as we press forward. Whatever is the case, it is time for us to review the year; to review the goals that we set at the beginning of the year. Remember that goals can be shaped, updated, and refined. You do not need to get fixed to the plan in a religious way. If a change of direction is needed, here is the time to decide. What is important is that we are making progress toward a worthwhile destination, such that we become fulfilled at the end of the year. I also want to remind you that those who target nothing will always hit it. We cannot afford to let life happen to us. We must be deliberate and determined in our approach to life. There is a lot of satisfaction and fulfilment in reaching one’s goals. If you have ever set a big goal and achieved it, you probably know what I am talking about. We find fulfilment through what we do, especially when it is done intentionally and for the greater good – something beyond just our personal consumption and comfort. As you review your goals, ask yourself if what you are aiming for will bring joy to you and blessings to others. Now is the moment of truth; a time to decide if you will make a difference or just live like every other average person. Actions for the week
A quote to remember "The trouble with not having a goal is that you can spend your life running up and down the field and never score." –Bill Copeland Until another time,
Dele Ola, Award-Winning Author of Be A Change Agent Click HERE to learn about and get copies of Dele’s Books Nature has hidden something from all of us. Without trying to sound religious, maybe I should state that God has set everything in motion in time but has hidden the future from us. We can remember what happened in the past and relate well with what is happening in the present. However, no one can tell us exactly what will happen in the next moment. We live only one moment at a time, and we are mostly oblivious of what will happen next. Sometimes we sum up our experience and define our lives based on what we have gone through. We settle into the order of life that our circumstances have thrown at us. But I have good news. What is in our past cannot be all that there is to life. Every one of us can shape our own future. We cannot wait for the future to happen to us. We must forge it, just like you would forge iron into a specific shape. It doesn’t matter how much your past challenges have been. The hard times, disappointments, disgrace, failures, rejections, and all other challenges are only in your past. Similarly, your past successes, achievements, and exploits are in the past. You cannot afford to let your past success or failure stand in the way of your future escapade. Your better days are coming. At any point in our lives, we must be able to say, “better days are coming”. We need to constantly remind ourselves that the best things are those that are yet to come. Anyone that would experience good things in their future must start from the way they think. Then put their thoughts into action. Are you going through a challenging or disappointing situation now? Or you are riding on the wave of success and good experiences. Whatever is your situation, know that your better days are coming. It can only get better. Actions for the week
A quote to remember Hope… Hope in the face of difficulty. Hope in the face of uncertainty. The audacity of hope! In the end, that is God’s greatest gift to us...A belief in things not seen. A belief that there are better days ahead. – Barack Obama Until another time,
Dele Ola, Award-Winning Author of Be A Change Agent Click HERE to learn about and get copies of Dele’s Books Every one of us has been given “life” generally at roughly the same order of magnitude. If you live long, maybe you will clock 100 years. Think about it. That is not really a very long time. The time of life is not as extensive as we think. Therefore, it is important to spend our time here doing what matters. Meanwhile, we tend to define what matters in different ways. Some believe that what matters the most is “family”. Others devote their lives to serving their communities. Yet others spend their lifetime innovating, designing, and building things and products for the future. I have also seen those who believe in developing other people and pouring their lives into future leaders. Whichever is your view, you are right. All those pursuits are worthwhile. In fact, we probably have a long list of worthwhile causes. But there is just one thing that truly matters. When you and I get to the end of our lives and we look back, that only one thing will matter. The money we owned, our fleets of exotic vehicles, the positions of authority we held, the power we possessed, our houses and lands, and our silver and gold will not matter. The only thing that will matter is “Did I do my best?” Doing our very best to live for truth, to impact others positively, to build people, and to leave a positive memory in the hearts of people – that’s what matters. It is all about the lives you touched; the people whose lives became better because of you. In all our endeavours, we must remember that there is just one thing that matters. The difference between those who enjoy fulfilment at the end of their lives and those who experience regrets is what they lived for. This message is a charge to each one of us to focus on what really matters – to focus on doing our best to leave positive memories in the minds and hearts of people. That is the only thing that matters. Actions for the week
A quote to remember Life laughs at you when you are unhappy; Life smiles at you when you are happy; But life salutes you when you make other happy. – Charlie Chaplin Until another time,
Dele Ola, Award-Winning Author of Be A Change Agent Click HERE to learn about and get copies of Dele’s Books |
November 2024
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