I don’t know if anyone has judged your ability to do anything in the past. I have had people tell me what course I could have studied, what job I could do, how much money I could make, where I could go and what I could become in life. Guess what? They were all wrong. Only I could have judged how far I should go based on my God-given abilities. I know my gifts and talents and I must not fall short of what I must do with them. But no one else can be the judge of that, except me. Don’t misunderstand me. We do have people in our lives who advise us and truly mean well for us. However, no matter how much they know, how experienced they are and how much they love or hate us, they do not have the right to determine how far we could go in life. What is most concerning is the negativity that we allow other people to sell to us. People just want to tell you that you cannot do it. They measure your ability by what they can see and quickly conclude that you are incapable of doing what you said you could do. To make matters worse, you have shared your dreams and aspirations with those whose minds are so little they couldn’t fathom how you can achieve it. It is not their fault though, because your current state does not agree with your envisioned future. Your dream is as though a slave will become a king in the same palace where they were born to serve. I do have good news for you. What anyone believes about your dreams does not matter as much as what you believe. Moreover, your present condition is not an indication of your possible future state. What determines your future state is what you think, and then what you do about what you think. If no one else believes that you can do it, don’t worry. I am certain that you can do it because your future is not ahead of you such that you should be chasing after it, but it is already loaded within you for you to manifest. Go ahead and do whatever you have set your mind to do, and give me the chance to say, “I knew you could do it.” Actions for the week
A quote to remember “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” ―Henry Stanley Haskins Until another time,
Dele Ola, Award-Winning Author of Be A Change Agent Click HERE to learn about and get copies of Dele’s Books
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In law, the word “jurisdiction” refers to the limit of authority or sovereignty of power and right. For example, each court has its own jurisdiction over which it can interpret and apply the law. In a similar way, each one of us has the circle or the boundary within which we operate. We do not usually have authority beyond those boundaries. At your place of work, even if you are the boss, you would know your limits and boundaries. If you are a successful businessperson, you do not have an unlimited authority. Perhaps you have authority over your company and your staff, however, your authority is limited to that which is within your boundaries. While boundaries may be real, it is most disturbing to know that most of the boundaries we experience are those we set for ourselves. We tend to create imaginary boundaries in our minds that limit what we can or cannot do or achieve. We limit our own authority and territory by unfounded beliefs, superstition and self-doubt. For those who have fallen victim to this imaginary boundary, it is as if their minds are beclouded and their eyes unable to see beyond their own nose. The imaginary boundary may exist in one’s business or career, finances, relationships, etc. In most cases this mental jurisdiction, developed from self-limiting beliefs and miseducation, caps one’s ability to succeed or go far in one’s endeavour. It is time for each one of us to check our level of progress and ask if there are boundaries that need to be moved. What you believe about yourself, your personal success and your relationships will eventually become your reality. There is no real limit to any human ability except that which one sets in their own mind. If you think you can, you are right, and if you think you cannot, you are also right. Would you start moving all those imaginary boundaries and set yourself free from parochialism or you will hold on to your beliefs at the expense of your success and life fulfilment? The choice is yours to make. Actions for the week
A quote to remember For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don't believe, no proof is possible. – Stuart Chase Until another time,
Dele Ola, Award-Winning Author of Be A Change Agent Click HERE to learn about and get copies of Dele’s Books Share Tweet One of the lessons I have taught my children repeatedly is that there is no problem with being different. Whether it is about their background, which they have no control over, or their beliefs and choices, it is okay to be different. I see lots of people try to fit in, conforming themselves to their environment like a chameleon and seeking acceptance from the people they are supposed to enlighten. They forget that we are where we are at any point in time for a reason, usually for the purpose of bringing positive change and adding value based on our unique abilities. Each one of us has something to offer which is unique to us. We can share perspectives that are rooted in our own convictions based on positive character. Sometimes we find ourselves in situations where popular opinions are not the solution to the issues at hand. However, we tend to go with the flow because of fear of rejection or retribution. In some other cases, we hold back and keep our perspectives to ourselves because we are unsure if we would be accepted. The truth is that our silence may not serve the greater good. There are people waiting for us to be the light that will illuminate the dark places. We can be the voice for those who cannot speak for themselves and be the advocate of good courses for society. Our involvement can bring the needed change, a change of direction from misinformed choices and poor judgements. The question is whether we will lend our voices and be the light in the room or fold our arms and watch the world go by. Meanwhile, being the light is not about activism or promoting disunity. It is about learning what is right and true, and bringing it to light. It is about bringing perspectives backed by character, positivity and sound judgment to the table where decisions are made. It is about the greater good of society done in good faith and integrity. When you are the light in the room, you will illuminate other people’s hearts in a way that brings true freedom and solutions to society. Actions for the week
A quote to remember “No voice is too soft when that voice speaks for others.”- Janna Cachola. Until another time,
Dele Ola, Award-Winning Author of Be A Change Agent Click HERE to learn about and get copies of Dele’s Books I am a believer in hard work. I think no one deserves anything unless they are willing to work for it. Most of the things of value carry with them an equivalent amount of effort that went into creating them. That is why we should not be deceived when we see a display of excellence or someone around us doing something seemingly effortlessly. There is always a vast amount of effort, real labour, that goes into achieving great feats. That said, the reason something is successful is not necessarily because of the exertion of energy. If working harder means getting more, then those who labour like oxen should be the most successful and the wealthiest. However, you and I know that is not the case. I feel bad when I see people work so hard, labouring night and day, just to get less. If you do not really understand how things work, you will think this life is unfair to those in that category. Nevertheless, I have learnt that each person is rewarded based on what their effort is worth and that has nothing to do with the size of the effort but the value of the effort. Have you ever wondered why employers prefer to pay people based on time? It is because everyone’s effort per unit time is not worth the same. You and I are paid differently per hour because the value of our effort in the marketplace is not the same. You probably wonder where this discussion is going. Instead of working harder and harder, perhaps we should sit back and ask how we can increase the value of our effort in time. If your effort is worth more, you will not need to labour so hard. How well we do in the marketplace depends on how valuable we are. Gaining much has less to do with exertion. It has more to do with how much our effort is worth, and your effort is worth only as much as the marketplace is willing to pay for it. When we become more valuable, our time becomes an expensive commodity for others to buy. Before increasing your energy level, ask if it is worth the exertion. Actions for the week
A quote to remember Always remember you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. — Author Unknown Until another time,
Dele Ola, Award-Winning Author of Be A Change Agent Click HERE to learn about and get copies of Dele’s Books I don’t know about you, but as for me, I like to see some results when I put in my effort. You and I know that there are lots of wasted efforts in this world. I have watched people labour, working hard with good intentions, but with results that are not commensurate with the effort used. For some, it is as if they are collecting water in a basket and yet expecting it to become full. Every labour and time put into an endeavour matters so much. In fact, although we may have an unlimited pool of ideas, our ability to expend energy is limited. So also is our precious time that cannot be regained once it is spent. That leaves us with an option – our effort must count for something significant. Among many possible factors for having less to show for a lot of effort, lack of intentionality is chief. Anyone that does a thing haphazardly without putting much thought into it may not expect a big result. Reaping a bountiful harvest would mean that the farmer planted a good seed in good soil, which requires intentionality. Before doing anything worth doing, each one of us must sit back and ask ourselves what we really want to get out of the adventure. We must answer the question, “why am I doing what I am doing?” Unless we answer that question honestly, we are bound to travel in a direction that does not lead to our destination. It is time for us to start working for results; to start putting our effort in the direction that leads to the expected end. We must use our energy and time where they matter the most. The converse is also true. We must restrain from putting our labour and time is what doesn’t count. As a good steward of the ability, talent and opportunities that come our way, it is our duty to become intentional in how we approach life. We must lead for results. We must position our effort in such a way that we guarantee a bountiful harvest for our labor. Actions for the week
A quote to remember “The starting point of all achievement is DESIRE. Keep this constantly in mind. Weak desire brings weak results, just as a small fire makes a small amount of heat.” – Napoleon Hill. Until another time,
Dele Ola, Award-Winning Author of Be A Change Agent Click HERE to learn about and get copies of Dele’s Books My family made some traditional dresses a few weeks ago. We hired a designer to make the dresses with our choice of fabrics. As you would imagine, we took measurements for each piece of the dresses. We cross-checked to be sure they were accurate. We then sent them over to the designer alongside the specific designs we wanted. The project was completed after a few weeks. However, I was grossly disappointed. My pants were not the right size, and the top had a very tight neck opening. We later found that the dresses did not conform to the measurements we sent. The designer, for whatever reason, made dresses that didn’t meet requirements. We will never patronize that tailor again. Is that not a conclusion you too would have made? Well, as it is with making dresses, so it is with each of our businesses, careers or vocations. Each of us is required to work to certain specifications. The requirements may be set by your customer, supervisor, employer, student, or the public. Whatever you produce in your job is expected to meet certain requirements. Your ability to meet the requirements becomes the basis of your performance. Those who fail to meet the requirements are said to perform below expectations. Those who go above and beyond to meet the requirements are said to perform above expectations. It turns out that each of us can determine where we want to belong – those who perform below expectations or those who go above expectations. The choice is for each person to make. Meanwhile, just like I fired the dress designer, remember that those you serve have the choice whether to keep patronizing you or not. The reason many are unable to keep their customers or hold a job is because of lack of diligence. Those that you serve do not want a sloppy job. Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well. Don’t let your customers fire you. It should be your goal and my goal to add a touch of excellence to our work. Where is your excellence? Actions for the week
A quote to remember “What we think, or what we know, or what we believe, is in the end, of little consequence. The only thing of consequence is what we do.” – John Ruskin Until another time,
Dele Ola, Award-Winning Author of Be A Change Agent Click HERE to learn about and get copies of Dele’s Books There are five ways to conquer a mountain but only four that are effective: you can climb it, tunnel through it, dig below it, or remove it. The fifth way is to go around it, to avoid it. That may be the easiest way too, but you will get nothing in return for going around it. Life is full of challenges, but they exist so they can be overcome. A landscape where great achievements are made is not a level field. It is a landscape full of obstacles and barriers. If you have a mountain in your way, you need to conquer it. A successful person has a positive attitude toward removing obstacles, an attitude conducive to breaking barriers. It is not a matter of whether we will face challenges or not, but a matter of what we will do when challenges come. If your victory is at the top of the mountain, then climb the mountain. There is always a price to pay to reach the summit, but nothing equates to the achievement found on the mountaintop. No one finds themselves on the top of the mountain because they drifted onto it. Climbing a mountain is difficult but worth it. If you and I would keep our eyes on the prize at the top, paying the price to get there becomes a doable task. The reason most people do not strive to overcome is that they lost sight of the prize. One of the greatest attributes of achievers is that they are consistently persistent. They do not give up in the face of difficulty and adversity. To make strides, become successful, and make a difference, we must develop the mindset of an overcomer. Then we can climb the mountain, cross the river, jump the hurdle, and navigate the complex landscape of life. We must maintain a positive can-do attitude when the going gets tough. I do not know what lies ahead of you but I do know that you can keep pushing through, even when it is not going the way you want. Actions for the week
A quote to remember “In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock.” —Thomas Jefferson Until another time,
Dele Ola, Award-Winning Author of Be A Change Agent Click HERE to learn about and get copies of Dele’s Books In this current age of social media, society has made us believe that those who have thousands of followers and millions of views on their posts are the influencers. People have also generally attributed influence on those orators who command an enormous amount of crowd as they appeal to the psyche of their listeners. Yes, you can influence a lot of people at once with an innumerable following on social media. Similarly, you can meddle with the thought process of many people by offering emotional speeches that are difficult to resist. However, that is not all that there is when it comes to influencing others. Influence is not just about entertainment and the playing of mind games. Real influence is one that makes people better for the good of society. If you have an opportunity to connect with people through your daily endeavour at work, home or community, you have the best opportunity to be an influencer. You do not need the social media definition of an influencer before you acknowledge that you are one. What it requires for you to become an influencer is to let your story shine through, to become an inspiration for other people. You and I can be so good at what we do such that others trust our opinions and actions. Once people begin to see you as one to go to, learn from or take guidance from, then you are an influencer. That means that you can be the best of influencers whether the whole world knows you or not. How many people cross your path daily? Do you interact with others, work with others, live with others, lead others or care for others? Then, let them trust you to the extent of changing their own actions because of the weight of your character, expertise and the value you add to society. We should not be deceived; the number of social media following does not make the influencer but the value of contributions being made by an individual. There are lots of noise makers out there, who lack the character and the positive influence to build society. Stop seeking attention. Seek character and value instead. You too are an influencer. Actions for the week
A quote to remember You don't have to be a 'person of influence' to be influential. In fact, the most influential people in my life are probably not even aware of the things they've taught me. – Scott Adams Until another time,
Dele Ola, Award-Winning Author of Be A Change Agent Click HERE to learn about and get copies of Dele’s Books One thing I have always observed is that leaders find it difficult to hide among the crowd. Each time I am amidst people doing things together, I try to watch to see who the real leader is. Most of the time, the real leader is not the one calling the shots and bossing everyone around. It is usually the one who sees the big picture, takes initiative, asks important questions, cooperates with others, and provides support for others. And that does not mean the one who has the biggest title in the group. Real leaders lead whether they are designated as leaders or not. The hallmark of leadership is the capacity to reproduce leadership in others. Those who help other people discover and develop who they are demonstrate the highest level of leadership. Over a long period of time humans have exhibited leadership in various ways and in different fields of endeavour depending on where the strengths and passions of each person lie. Some people lead in their professional career, making significant contributions meaningfully and impactfully, and influencing others to do similarly. We have seen leadership in public space, sports, religion, entertainment, academia, etc. Meanwhile, when you see a lot of resources begin to flow in a certain direction, you are likely to see leaders on the other end. That is because leadership is valuable, and resources flow where value is created. In other words, one of the ways to guarantee success in whatsoever we are doing is to take on the leadership responsibility. The good news is that leadership does not mean power, position or money. Real leaders are not defined by conferred authority. Leaders are not crowned. Instead, leaders are grown. Each of us has the seed of leadership in us that we can nurture and grow. We can grow in skills, talent, perspective, empathy, compassion, emotional stability, resilience, resolve, influence and the ability to work with others. An individual can lead themself to great success while helping others to do the same. Through whom you are and what you do, you can become an inspiration to others. You can be the light in a world that is currently ravaged with darkness. You can be a veritable leader. Actions for the week
A quote to remember A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way. — John Maxwell Until another time,
Dele Ola, Award-Winning Author of Be A Change Agent Click HERE to learn about and get copies of Dele’s Books I heard someone say that people use vulgar language because they have not added enough words to their vocabulary. Well, that may or may not be exactly true. I have seen many educated people with knowledge of lots of words but who prefer to use the offensive ones. It is a matter of our choices of words. It takes a significant amount of time to develop our everyday language. Most of the words we use regularly do not come out of our mouths by accident. We learn them over time, and mostly unconsciously as we expose ourselves to various media and associations. The worrisome part of using language is that of speaking without grace, using unkind words that have the power to pierce through another person’s heart like an arrow. The way we use words is one of the most accurate indications of our level of maturity. Those who have emotional stability choose their words carefully. In fact, they have learnt to naturally speak in a modest and agreeable manner. That is not the same as being untruthful, but it means that we can communicate truth in a non-offensive way. There is no value in cutting others down with words, uttering disparaging remarks or using caustic expressions to describe issues. There is no virtue in being brutal with words. Moreso, it is impossible to roll back any words we utter, and everyone is responsible for their disposition to others. I know this for a fact. A gentle tongue can do a lot of wonders. I have seen gently spoken and well-thought-through words change the minds of people who would normally not yield. I have seen doors open to people because of the use of gracious words and kindheartedness. Here is a call to tenderness; a call to each one of us to become better at using our words. Even when others talk to us unkindly, we can show them a higher way with our gentle words. It may not be easy in practice, but we can all learn and grow. It is also interesting to note that your words reflect the content of your heart. Let your heart be full of tenderness and you will see your words change. Let your tongue be gentle. Actions for the week
A quote to remember By patience and a calm spirit, a ruler may be persuaded, and a soft and gentle tongue breaks the bone [of resistance]. – Book of Proverbs 25:15 (AMP) Until another time,
Dele Ola, Award-Winning Author of Be A Change Agent Click HERE to learn about and get copies of Dele’s Books Have you ever wondered why so many people can be attracted to a certain individual, as if that individual has a magical magnet that draws other people to them? I have met several people like that. They command respect, ooze affection and make it easy to get along with them. You may describe such people as charming, pleasant or lovely. An important aspect of being charming is that those who naturally draw others to themselves do not necessarily fit in with the general definition of physical beauty. However, it is as if something invisible makes them easy to love, work with or befriend. That makes me think that becoming desirable has more to do with what we produce from the inside of us. That includes how we think, talk, act and relate with those around us. The fact is that someone may be physically beautiful and yet be annoyingly disgusting to relate with, while another person may not be that physically attractive but is very easy to love and do life with. The personality that you exude determines whether people will cling to you or resist you. No matter how handsome or beautiful you think you are, it takes an appealing personality to become a person people can love. No one becomes delectable just because they put on a nice-looking dress and wear the most expensive make-up. Real beauty comes first from the inside, and it radiates outward. Even if someone is mistaken for a likable personality because of their attractive physical appearance, it is only a matter of time before the hypnotic spell is broken. It is possible for you and me to become irresistible to others. A desirable and inviting personality can open doors to many opportunities. When people get closer to you to discover your positive vibe and your respectable character, it becomes easy for them to trust you and relate with you. That does not mean that there a no people that take advantage of good people to do bad things. Nevertheless, you are likely to attract the kind of person that you are. If your heart is right, you will attract the right kind of person to yourself. The main point here is to make yourself irresistible; to become someone others want to relate and do business with. Actions for the week
A quote to remember “Guard well within yourself that treasure, kindness. Know how to give without hesitation, how to lose without regret, how to acquire without meanness.” — George Sand Until another time,
Dele Ola, Award-Winning Author of Be A Change Agent Click HERE to learn about and get copies of Dele’s Books I have not seen anything great, significant or groundbreaking done without determination. I have noticed that most achievers have something in common. They act as if they have been given a final proposition. They usually reach a resolve that what they are doing is so serious that it must be achieved. In reality, big things require big ambitions. No one stumbles on greatness. Unless we turn our affairs into serious business, we are not ready for the big hit. It is only a matter of whether we are ready to do what it takes; whether we will stay true to our resolve and refuse the temptation to back out of the deal. Here is a call to each one of us to examine our approach to our own endeavours. Do we really have the courage to demand of ourselves that which it must take to achieve something big? The alternative is obvious. It is called settling for less. Settling for something less than our potential because we are unable to commit ourselves to something greater. Without giving ourselves the ultimatum, demanding of ourselves something that looks like the extreme of commitments, we may still be limited to what whims can bring our way. The truth is that most of the great things we see people achieve are products of unrepentant determination. In fact, sometimes we need to be unyieldingly persistent or even obstinate as we give ourselves to that which we have resolved to do. What are you doing? What are your dreams and aspirations? You may desire to build your family, reach a career milestone, contribute something specific to your community, invent something new or even be a better person in some way. Think about how beautiful and fulfilling it would be if you achieved them. If your desire is to reach your goals, then give yourself the ultimatum. Present to yourself a final proposition on achieving your goals. Tell yourself that you must do it. That that resolve get you to work and see everything work together to make your dream a reality. Actions for the week
A quote to remember "If you're going to doubt something, doubt your limits." – Greg Anderson Until another time,
Dele Ola, Award-Winning Author of Be A Change Agent Click HERE to learn about and get copies of Dele’s Books Believe me, a town of over 3,000 people in Manitoba is named Ebb and Flow. Well, it is located on a lake called Ebb and Flow. I remember the days when my family explored the Prairie Mountain region, lodging in cabins, visiting family and spending time at Clear Lake. We would always pass through Ebb and Flow. The name of the town and the ebb and flow of the lake always gets me thinking. I imagine that we all pass through ebb and flow as we journey onward in life. In fact, we spend the most part of our journey in ebb and flow. What do I mean by that? Our lives are composed of a series of ups and downs, of rising tides and fading ebbs. Sometimes we see the tides rising, with the winds blowing in our favour. We enjoy the feeling of success, the euphoria and the sense of fulfilment that accompanies our accomplishments, well-being and good things surrounding us. However, we know that the tides do not stay up forever. The upward flow is succeeded by the ebb, the recession and fading out of the tide. However, most of us have challenges dealing with the ebb. We do not want the flowing back, the abatement or decline which cycles alongside the highs of life. Nevertheless, we all must face the fact that changes and, in fact, constant changes are part and parcel of our daily life. As the tide flows inward and outward of the ocean, creating constant fluctuations, so does life deal frequent changes to each one of us. Instead of getting upset by the ebb and flow, we should learn to become unperturbed as the tide rises and falls. Getting agitated when things are not going well will not help solve the problem. There is no point getting worked up, especially when we cannot control the situation. Someone on a sailboat may not control the wind but can adjust the sail. Most of the time, we lack control over circumstances external to us, but we can adjust our attitudes, thoughts, and actions to arrive at our destination. The rising and fading of tides are normal. Don’t let the situation overwhelm you. Don’t get knocked over by the waves. Actions for the week
A quote to remember “Life doesn’t get easier or more forgiving, we get stronger and more resilient.” — Steve Maraboli Until another time,
Dele Ola, Award-Winning Author of Be A Change Agent Click HERE to learn about and get copies of Dele’s Books I am yet to see anyone who needs absolutely no help from anyone else. People may pretend to be all-sufficient on their own, but we know that is not true. The greatest of people in history and in our time today have used the help of those around them. Those who decide to live alone on their private island suffer a bit. Or maybe the right word is not “suffer” but “miss-out”. They miss out on the great opportunity to get the support they require to get where they are meant to be. In fact, one may say that it is arrogant to think that you don’t need anyone to accomplish what you are doing. If you are someone who carries a big idea or has a sizeable responsibility, you will realize that you need others to help you make an impact that no individual can single-handedly make. Sometimes what we are carrying may not be an idea. It may be a burden, a heavy weight that we carry in our minds or in our lives which makes things somewhat difficult. At times, we carry problems and issues that are heavier than we can carry alone. The truth is that we as humans are not perfect in anything. If you live in the real world, you will have challenges and you will face difficult situations that are typical in our world. None of us is immune to burden, weights, and issues of life. However, we do not need to scuffle with life all alone. When we are carrying burdens, those are times we can take some help from others. What do you carry? Do you carry great responsibilities at home, work or community? Do you have an assignment big enough that you know you cannot do it alone? Maybe your own situation is such that you are weighed down by challenges. This message is about letting other people help you carry the load. When the load is heavier than you can carry, then allow those who would help to do so. We should stop playing superheroes. Everyone needs help. If anyone lends a genuine helping hand to you, take it and use the help. Let them help you carry the load. Actions for the week
A quote to remember “Accepting help doesn’t make you weak. It’s like catching your breath so you can stand up again and help others. When one person is down, the other one is up.” — Morgan L. Buss Until another time,
Dele Ola, Award-Winning Author of Be A Change Agent Click HERE to learn about and get copies of Dele’s Books Everyone has their own capacity. At any point in time, your capacity to do certain things is just what it is. For example, you may have the capacity to lift 200 pounds of weight or the capacity to run 10 kilometers marathon. It is what it is. Meanwhile, the so-called capacity can be altered. Note that I said altered because it can either be increased or diminished. One thing I know is that each one of us can be better than our best. At the point where we think we have no more capacity left, that is where the opportunity for growth begins. You and I know that we humans have continued to push the limits of achievements in every field of endeavour. In fact, there is no such thing as a “limit” when it comes to human ability. That leads me to question why many of us grow quickly just to settle into a comfort zone. Why do we allow ourselves to march around the same circle on the plateau of life? After all, the pinnacle that we think we have reached may be the lower level for another person. It is all relative. That makes me think that none of us will ever become completely sold out. We will always have something more to offer no matter what circumstance we find ourselves. Our abilities and talents are not like stock items or merchandise that can be out of supply because of demand. You and I are much more loaded than we think. You can extend your limit when you think you have reached your maximum capacity. Here is my message to you. You are not sold out yet. You have many more arrows in your quiver. You have much more to offer at home, at work and in the community. It is not yet time to “retire” but a time to “refire”. Do not give in to settling for the limit.. Everyone is limited only by their own imagination. Let’s keep flying, soaring like the eagle. Actions for the week
A quote to remember There are no constraints on the human mind, no walls around the human spirit, no barriers to our progress except those we ourselves erect. – Ronald Reagan Until another time,
Dele Ola, Award-Winning Author of Be A Change Agent Click HERE to learn about and get copies of Dele’s Books Much earlier in my career I had expected that everyone in a big team or organization would share the same kind of conduct. However, I quickly realized that people came from various kinds of backgrounds, experiences, and ideologies that had shaped their view of the world and the people around them. That is true for every one of us. We see things differently; therefore, we decide differently, and we act differently. Your daily thoughts may be the exact opposite of those of someone next to you. The things that excite you may not move others, and what you cherish may be the disdain of another person. Meanwhile, to make society function properly, we must come to terms with others around us. It is quite easy to find oneself on the opposite side of the divide with others. If most of us do not embrace cooperation and comradeship, we will create chaos and anarchy. While it is impractical and less innovative to make people think the same way, we all have a responsibility. We can present our views, opinions, and ideas in a manner that promotes respect and fairness with those around us. It is about playing with others in a gracious manner even though the field is not level and plane. I observed something important, that those who push their way through in a disrespectful and unfair manner do not go too far before getting into trouble. However, beautiful things happen when we play fairly, honestly, decently, truthfully, and graciously. After all, it is not all about you alone but about the good we can all share when we collectively build together. So, where is your sportsmanship? Even when it seems like you are not winning, could you keep playing graciously with others? In fact, sometimes we lose cheerfully so that a greater good can be promoted to the benefit of society. Resist the urge to pull others down. Refuse to cut other people’s livelihood. Reject treating anyone disrespectfully or contemptuously because you have the power. Don’t break the moral rules of kindness and respect for others. Love to love others and dislike to hate anyone. Play fairly and graciously. Let your sportsmanship shine through. Actions for the week
A quote to remember The best index to a person's character is how he treats people who can't do him any good, and how he treats people who can't fight back. – Abigail Van Buren Until another time,
Dele Ola, Award-Winning Author of Be A Change Agent Click HERE to learn about and get copies of Dele’s Books Maintaining an open mind is not something easy to do. It is easier to think and say that we are open minded than it is to practice. In fact, most people that think they are open minded are not. Look at it this way. Can you detach yourself from your opinions when you are working with others toward a solution? Most people cannot. We are naturally inclined to accept our viewpoints over those of others. Yet, without an open mind, we are limited to our own understanding. To be open-minded is to be broad-minded, to be receptive of new or different views and ideas. The opposite of open-mindedness is obvious. It is called bias or prejudice. I like to see it more like parochialism, the narrow-mindedness that prevents us from seeing things objectively. The implications of a lack of open-mindedness are straightforward. Perhaps if someone is smart, they can achieve a few things with their own ideas alone. However, those who are open-minded have access to an unlimited number of ideas that help them develop bigger ideas. It is about being wise enough to recognize the richness of manifold ideas. Contrarily, prejudice and bias usually stand in the way of progress, causing a sabotage of opportunities. Those who are unreceptive don’t generally do great things. The best of achievements in our world today resulted from the abundance of great ideas from those whose minds are open. One more thing. The difference between those who see opportunities and those who see difficulties is the state of the mind, whether the individual’s mind is receptive or not. Give yourself a chance to do something different or something bigger by doing away with bias, partisanship and prejudice and embracing impartiality, tolerance, and open-mindedness. It is not a problem when those around you are not thinking like you. After all, we are all uniquely different from one another for a reason - so that we can, together, build something that no individual can build. Actions for the week 1. Think about your approach to issues. Are you open-minded. In what areas can you maintain better open-mindedness? 2. Determine to always be tolerant, unbiased and willing to consider other people’s ideas. 3. Share this message with those in your circle. A quote to remember Minds are like parachutes, they only function when they are open. - James Dewar Until another time,
Dele Ola, Award-Winning Author of Be A Change Agent Click HERE to learn about and get copies of Dele’s Books I was speaking to one of my most respected long-term friends over the weekend. He said something that got stuck in my head – we can do most of the things we think are over our head. Some things are challenging to learn and to do. However, nothing is too hard to learn and do. There is a secret I discovered many years ago. It is a fact that the people that did great things in history and in our generation today did not know how to do them at first. Most of them only spearhead into the unknown. There is always a first time for anyone to do anything. I have let this understanding guide my thinking about myself over the years. In my mind, there is nothing I decide to do that I am unable to do. Thinking that something is over one’s head is a big barrier that must be broken down. It has deterred many people from achieving what they have the potential to do. It is the reason the majority settle for less and watch other achievers fulfill their dreams. It takes consciousness, determination, and action to dismantle the notion that something is beyond you. Always remember that humans have done incredible things in this world. You and I also could do spectacular things, using our innate abilities to achieve what we can do. You have more capacity for great things than you think but only those who attempt big things achieve them. Here is where I am going with this discourse. Don’t allow anyone, anything, or any circumstance to limit you. Those who are doing greatly around you are not necessarily better than you. If someone else does big things, you too could do bigger things. The fact is that none of us has been able to exploit the limits of our abilities and that is because human abilities cannot be capped. Look around you. Then look inward to the ideas and the dreams that need to be borne from inside of you. Drop the self-doubt. Nothing is over your head. You can learn, do, and achieve whatsoever you would. Actions for the week
A quote to remember "I have lots of things to prove to myself. One is that I can live my life fearlessly." – Oprah Winfrey. Until another time,
Dele Ola, Award-Winning Author of Be A Change Agent Click HERE to learn about and get copies of Dele’s Books Last summer, I spent many early mornings alone in Winnipeg’s King’s Park. You are probably wondering what I was doing there. I was there meditating, reconditioning my mind and recharging for the next phases of my life. I did that in the serenity and quietness of the early mornings. The only sounds I heard in the park were the chirping of the birds and the rustling of the trees, except when I walked by the water fountain at the centre of the park. The lake was calm and clear such that it became a mirror for the trees and bushes around. You may check the picture of the lake on my LinkedIn profile background. I enjoyed sitting on a small wooden bench by the side of the lake, lost in my own thoughts and ponderings as I imagined beautiful things for the future. Do you also maintain a moment of quietness, a time when you shut yourself out of everything and everyone so that you can be in a thoughtful state? Maybe you don’t need to go to King’s Park or take a trip to the top of the Sleeping Giant in Ontario’s Thunder Bay. However, you may need to spend some time alone, away from the hustle and bustle of your surroundings, to meditate, think through and chew over the important aspects of life. There is an enormous amount of power in doing so from time to time. Maintaining moments of quietness can help in clear thinking, deep thinking, and constructive thinking. When we put on our thinking cap in a conducive atmosphere, we give power to our minds to help us shape schemes, generate ideas, solve problems, and develop a healthy mental state. If you are feeling overwhelmed with activities, bombarded by information from various quarters, struggling with a problem or just seeking more opportunities for success. I suggest that you develop a habit of quiet meditation in a clean, simple, and beautiful atmosphere. You will be surprised how much power is in quietness as you muse over your affairs to develop the ideas that you need to get ahead in every area of your life. Actions for the week
A quote to remember The trees, the flowers, the plants grow in silence. The stars, the sun, the moon move in silence. Silence gives us a new perspective. – Mother Teresa Until another time,
Dele Ola, Award-Winning Author of Be A Change Agent Click HERE to learn about and get copies of Dele’s Books You have probably come across the expression “self-made millionaire”. There are lots of people out there being referred to as “self-made”. Maybe that needs to be put into proper context. Is there really anyone that could have made themself? Well, maybe some people went through so many challenges, figuring things out as they forge their way through the difficulties of life. We salute the courage of those who tried to succeed despite all odds. Similarly, we acknowledge those who had lots of opportunities, surrounded by help from many quarters, and who took advantage of their fortunate situations to make something meaningful out of life. That said, everyone who has made some kind of progress would realize that they had encounters with helpful people along the way. No matter how disadvantaged you think you are or how much you think you singlehandedly put in effort toward your success, it will be self-denial to think that no part of your progress could be attributed to the support of others. We have not yet seen a single soldier make a legion or a tree make a forest. Before getting pumped, taking all the credit for your grandeur, take a moment to think about the impact of those whose paths crossed yours as you made progress. Those could be your family, friends, supervisors, colleagues, students, community, or customers. Remember the days when you rode on the synergy you had with others to achieve your purpose. Don’t forget the contributions of those who gave you opportunities, those who spoke for you, those who supported you, those who stood by you and those who believed in you. There may be only a fine line between your self-acclamation and blatant pride. Do not let egotism consume you. Acknowledge those who must be acknowledged. Esteem those who must be esteemed. Remember those who must be remembered. Let those who impacted you feel your gratitude. And if they can’t, let your humility become a new standard of success for the world to emulate. Don’t you ever forget. Actions for the week
A quote to remember No person was ever honored for what he received. Honor has been the reward for what he gave. – Calvin Coolidge Until another time,
Dele Ola, Award-Winning Author of Be A Change Agent Click HERE to learn about and get copies of Dele’s Books |
September 2024
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