This year is about to end. For some, this has been the best year ever. If you are in that category, perhaps you fulfilled your dreams, achieved your objectives, got a new job, made a large sum of money, got married, got gifted with a newborn baby, or won the lottery. Whatever the case, you are happy the year ends well for you. For some others, the year may be termed as “so-so”. It hasn’t been anything spectacularly different. You have mixed feelings. There were periods of both highs and lows. You are just hanging in there. Yet for others, the year hasn’t been pleasant. You have experienced some setbacks. You missed the marks. You wished things were better. One of my philosophies is that our true experience results from how we think about our situations, and not so much about what happened. You may look at the year through the lens of pessimism, being uncontented with your results and becoming upset about what you didn’t achieve. You may neglect all the good times and focus on all the negatives. It is true that we all go through different events, and that life does not present equal opportunities to us. It is also true that some have been victims of circumstances where others have prevailed. However, our attitude determines whether we will be happy or angry. Our thinking leads us to either complain or remain unmoved. Instead of making a fuss about our situation, we may want to focus on the positives. Why is this important? Dwelling on what didn’t work, and complaining about it, does not change anything. Anger saps us of the energy we need to rise above the situations. To thrive, we must draw strengths from within, which is impossible without a positive mindset. We must stay positive regardless of whether we are on top of the world or in the valley of life. To finish the year well, we must put our experiences into proper perspectives. We must weigh our thoughts and be sure that we are seeing things clearly. After all, there are lots of beautiful things to celebrate. Please don’t make a fuss about anything. Celebrate instead. Actions for the week
A quote to remember “The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today." – Franklin D. Roosevelt Until another time,
Dele Ola, Award-Winning Author of Be A Change Agent Click HERE to learn about and get copies of Dele’s Books
We all have activities we put our effort into. Some of the efforts have yielded results while others have not. However, there can be no result if we do not channel our energies into whatever we are doing. One of the challenges we face is that, in most cases, we are not sure if our plans will work. We try to make educated decisions, ensuring that there is a basis for our choices. However, there is usually no guarantee that things will always work out the way we planned. Imagine that you are starting a new merchandizing business. You will probably create a plan, gather some capital, create an inventory, etc. Whether you start small or big, success is a matter of chance that depends on many factors. In some cases, we may even lack the knowledge to succeed, or the environment may not be conducive to thrive in. One mistake I have seen people make is that of an unending commitment to something that is not working. This is common in circumstances where something worked well in the past but has now been overtaken by change. In other cases, people may just be fixated on their ideas even though it has gulped up resources without yielding results. The worst case is that of someone who has authority over people and makes them continue a path that leads nowhere just because it was their idea in the first place. Although being tenacious is a great thing, everyone must learn to know when it is time to quit or to reevaluate the process. There is no point expending energy and resources in the same thing repeatedly when there is no result coming forth. Here is the key message. To create or sustain success in our endeavours, we must be willing to question our assumptions and be ready to make changes when required. This may lead to a change of approach, a change of direction or even quitting to start over again. What matters the most is that our efforts do not go to waste. Even when we must keep trying until we reach the point of breakthrough, we must constantly reevaluate our approach to maximize opportunities. Stop escalating your commitment to something that is not working. Know when to stop and when to keep at it. Actions for the week
A quote to remember "It is better to change an opinion than to persist in a wrong one" – Socrates Until another time,
Dele Ola, Award-Winning Author of Be A Change Agent Click HERE to learn about and get copies of Dele’s Books It is possible for people around you to think that they know you. Don’t be surprised when you receive all kinds of tags. People will try to tell you who you are. You may hear things like: you are slow, you are impatient, you are shy, you are aggressive, you are a failure, etc. In fact, you may even take an online test that suggests who you are. Putting labels on people is a common thing. It is sometimes as if everyone around you knows you except yourself. Those observing you reach conclusions about you too quickly assuming that they have the power to do so. Many have become victims of the labels put on them by people who have some kind of authority or influence over them. The label may come from parents, siblings, spouses, bosses, colleagues, friends, etc. The problem with accepting the labels is that of succumbing to behaviours that project that label as if one is being controlled by it. However, none of us has any permanent form of personality. Everyone can improve their behaviour, shape their character, and become a better individual. We should reject labels that do not define who we truly want to be and focus on building ourselves into the person we desire to become. Are you wearing a tag put on you by those who exercise influence over you? Have you been labeled or assigned a personality type that doesn’t reflect your desire? It is time to reject the label and start working on personal improvements instead. Whatever anyone thinks or assumes about you does not tell your story. You can choose to become the person you have envisioned to be, and also determine how you present yourself to those around you. Do not let anyone belittle you or constrain you with a label. Reject the label and focus on personal growth. Actions for the week
A quote to remember Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be?” –Marianne Williamson Until another time,
Dele Ola, Award-Winning Author of Be A Change Agent Click HERE to learn about and get copies of Dele’s Books It is no news that we need to set our priorities. Amidst many activities and tasks, we need to know what to focus on. In fact, many smart people maintain a list of priorities – things they believe deserve their attention first. If you and I do not set our priorities, we may keep busy without doing what is really important. Meanwhile, having a list of wonderful things we call priority is not enough. Prioritizing is not the same as maintaining a list of important things there are to do. There is a difference between a to-do list and a priority. The challenge with most of us is that our lists mostly contain important things; because they are important, we assume they are priorities. However, the fact that something is important does not mean it should be prioritized. The truth is that each one of us has very limited time to do what we must do. That means that even the list of important things needs to be scrutinized and rearranged in an order of priority. Let me tell you two things I do in setting my priorities. Firstly, I usually ask myself which of the important things carry the most weight. It is like following the 80/20 rule. You will find that about 20% of your list of important items impact 80% of your success in whatever you are doing. In that case, you should focus on the 20%. The remaining 80% of your list produces only 20% of your success, therefore they should be of less priority. Secondly, I ask myself if there are low-hanging fruits – those things that take very little amount of time to achieve and produce immediate results of great value. They are called quick wins. Prioritizing is about putting the first thing first. It is about refusing to major in the minor or vice versa. Sometimes it can be disappointing to us or to someone who needs items that rank low on our list of important things should we never get to them. However, we must be true to ourselves. The results we produce in our lives depend on how we expend our resources and, especially, our time. Those who put the first thing first have lots to show for their effort. It is a form of discipline we must all learn. Actions for the week
A quote to remember The key is not to prioritize what's on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities. – Stephen R. Covey Until another time,
Dele Ola, Award-Winning Author of Be A Change Agent Click HERE to learn about and get copies of Dele’s Books Many people think they are not resistant to change. No one would like to be labeled as “change-resistant”. It seems like we are becoming more educated to know that resisting change is not good if the change is positive. Meanwhile, I observed that the challenge is not really about people deliberately standing in the way of change. It is more about people not embracing change. It is not about resistance but about lack of support for, and a passive approach to change. The reality is that change is a fundamental law of life. I have always maintained the position that each one of us should step forward to create the change that we would like to see in the world. There is no point in waiting for change to happen such that we can go with the flow or ride on the wind. Rather, we can be deliberate in what change we want and then work toward making it happen. I learned something profound in studying the technology adoption curve, which is a model that can be used to represent the uptake of a new technology. This curve or model has five zones that represent different categories of people. There are the innovators, the early adopters, the early majority, the late majority, and the laggards. Innovators are the change makers, those who create the future that everyone will live. Early adopters are trail blazers, those who lead the way by their willingness to try something new. The early majority and late majority are more risk-averse, those who wait to be sure things will work. The laggards are skeptics, who come too late to the game. I challenge you to be an innovator, or at least be part of the early adopters. Waiting for change to happen may mean that we become victims of the change. Change is happening all around us. The question is not whether we will be impacted by the change or not but rather what we will do proactively to prepare for and lead the change. Our collective future requires an active pursuit of change rather than a passive approach to change. How would you ensure that you stay on top of change? Actions for the week
A quote to remember "The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new" – Dan Millman Until another time,
Dele Ola, Award-Winning Author of Be A Change Agent Click HERE to learn about and get copies of Dele’s Books When I was thinking about this week’s newsletter, I thought of something like “pursuit of meaning”. Then I remembered that what is meaningful to someone may not be that meaningful to another person. What we are all looking for is fulfillment, a state of inner happiness and satisfaction because of our labour, work or activities. Have you ever sat back to ask yourself, “why am I doing what I am doing?” If you have figured out the reason for doing what you do every day, then I would say “congratulations”. We all know that life is more than being born, going to school, then going to more school, getting a job, starting a family, working for 35 years, retiring and then counting the rest of our days. There must be more to life than the average monotonous life most people live. Meanwhile, happiness is not as far-fetched as most people think. The reason the majority are not satisfied in life is because their labour, work and achievements are directed at themselves. It doesn’t matter how rich or successful you are, it will be challenging to find fulfilment until you start living for something outside of yourself. Most people find meaning and fulfillment by doing things bigger and greater than their own self. There is the sense of happiness we feel from within when we contribute to worthwhile causes that benefit others, fulfilling needs and solving problems in society. When we think about doing something worthwhile for others or for our community, it is easy to think about Mother Teresa and Nelson Mandela. However, you do not need to do anything outrageous to measure up. In fact, finding happiness from what we do has nothing to do with measuring up. What is required in a heart that genuinely cares about others and is willing to sacrifice time, effort and resources to make life easier for others and for all. It is all about service to humanity. Perhaps this newsletter is part of my own service to humanity, among many other things. How about you? What are you contributing through your work, relationships and activities in pursuit of happiness? Actions for the week
A quote to remember The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. – Mahatma Gandhi Until another time,
Dele Ola, Award-Winning Author of Be A Change Agent Click HERE to learn about and get copies of Dele’s Books We do many things without thinking about them. In fact, most of the decisions we make on any given day are made subconsciously. We usually don’t have to get too serious about most of our activities of the day. For example, what does it matter whether you toasted your bread or not? You may toast the bread if you have a toaster, but if you don’t, perhaps the bread would be okay untoasted. On my way to work, I usually have options of three or four possible routes. Guess what I do? I check the GPS, and I follow the route that would take me the least amount of time. I don’t really care much about whether I take Ottawa’s route 14 or 19. It is the same when we relate to people. It is the same way most people even talk. We have the tendency to be casual in our dealings with people and things. While it is impractical to calculate every activity, every move and every simple decision every time, we must surely be intentional in the matters that carry weight. Certain aspects of our lives cannot be handled with levity. For example, although toasting my bread may not have any significant impact on my health, deciding to get enough sleep after a long day may. In that case, I will need to be intentional about rest after work. Similarly, serving my wife water using a light blue cup rather than a dark blue one may not matter much, but the way I talk to her is something I must be intentional about. Each one of us has aspects of our lives that require deliberate actions every day. In which areas of your daily life do you need to be intentional? Think about your choices of words and actions. Think about your relationships, place of work, your affiliations, your disposition to challenges, and your career growth. Could you be more intentional? One danger of lack of intentionality is loss of opportunities. When things are done thoughtfully, there are better chances of making an impact. I have decided to be deliberate in handling every significant affair of my life. What about you? Actions for the week
A quote to remember The key is not to prioritize your schedule but to schedule your priorities. – Steven Covey Until another time,
Dele Ola, Award-Winning Author of Be A Change Agent Click HERE to learn about and get copies of Dele’s Books The hallmark of leadership is the ability to produce leadership in others. If your goal is to become the grand commander such that all others can follow, then you are too far from authentic leadership. John C. Maxwell said, “a leader is one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way”. Leadership is first about becoming a person of substance and value, then becoming an inspiration for others to discover their own leadership. Our ultimate goals in life should include finding our own frontiers such that we can help those who encounter us find theirs. A leader is not a lone superstar that shines solo for the world to see, but rather a source of illumination for others. When we all become sources of light, we can keep the world brighter forever. The result of a leader producing another is a manifold effect. Our successes and accomplishments should produce results that outlast us. You and I know that materials things, monetary wealth and physical possessions don’t last for long. However, the investment that we make in other people, especially in the next generation can be carried onto many generations to come. I remember learning from books written by notable experts like Napoleon Hill, George Clason, James Allen and others, many which were written over 100 years ago. Those people left a legacy of fundamental principles of success which have become the foundation of modern philosophies of achievements. We each have an opportunity to influence other people positively, in our daily work lives, in the community and at home. Producing leadership in others is not that complicated. To do so, we strive to become the best version of ourselves every day and we inspire and support others to do the same. When we help people find their relevance and worthwhile direction for life, we produce leadership in them. Imagine a world full of leaders producing leaders in every walk of life, with everyone exploiting their potential and fulfilling the purpose they are designed to fulfill. The multiplier effect will promote peace and prosperity for people across our planet. Actions for the week
A quote to remember Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others. – Jack Welch Until another time,
Dele Ola, Award-Winning Author of Be A Change Agent Click HERE to learn about and get copies of Dele’s Books If we decide to respond to life based on all the events, news and experiences we are exposed to every day, there will not be a single happy person on earth. There is always a reason to be upset. If you listen to news, you will see that there isn’t anything good about what is being reported. It’s all about the negativities – wars, economic hardships, poverty, homicides, accidents, etc. Likewise, social media is full of a mix of different information, especially those that can cause you to think and act the way you did not intend. The one that fascinates me the most is seeing people fight a war of words on social media, as if they are being paid to take sides on a matter that has absolutely no relevance to them. How about our own experiences? We all have our share of the good and the bad things happening. In most cases, it is easier for our minds to dwell on the negatives more than the positives. The problem is that many people’s state of mind and happiness now depends on news and negative life experiences. It seems like the world is becoming a more unhappy place. If you want to test that, just engage in social banter with others and you will quickly discover what people think about the world around them and their own situations. Meanwhile, there is a solution for those who understand that inner peace and happiness do not depend on external factors. I know quite well that despite all that is happening around us, we can maintain a state of calmness, quietness and fulfilment. This state of happiness does not have anything to do with external influences. The journey leading up to happiness starts with gratitude, then decorated with deep love for self, for life, for people and for everything around us. If you are not personally happy from the inside, it is unlikely that anything outside can lead you to lasting happiness. Let happiness flow from your heart as you decide to maintain a positive outlook on life. Let your heart glow with happiness. Actions for the week
A quote to remember “Peace is not something you wish for, it is something you make, something you are, something you do and something you give away.” ― Robert Fulghum Until another time,
Dele Ola, Award-Winning Author of Be A Change Agent Click HERE to learn about and get copies of Dele’s Books Giving gifts is one of the ways we express our love, gratitude, recognition or affection to others. Giving is an expression of love. You can give without loving but you cannot love without giving. Those whose hearts are large, who are intrinsically loving, are generous givers. I have seen people sacrifice very valuable items to give as gifts to those they care about. I salute the selflessness of those who generously give, especially sacrificially. Any time we talk about giving, what comes to mind are those material things – money, flowers, cards, food, and other tangible items. We are so accustomed to material gifts such that the representation of a gift is a wrapped box with a red ribbon around it and knotted at the top. Meanwhile, there is a gift that is superior to material things. It is the giving of oneself to another person or to people in the form of our time. When we give our time, we trade our most precious irredeemable item to enrich others. One of the best gifts you can present to anyone is your presence. Being there for others when they need you the most is priceless. The difference that your presence makes when someone else is in a critical situation is to be valued more than material gifts. Yes, you can give materially but also remember to be present. Are you someone who is always present when you are needed the most? Are you there for your spouse, children, friends, or community? Do those who know you feel your presence? Each one of us must check our modality for giving. There is no material item that can buy your presence. Think about it this way. We all have limited time to be here on earth. We are not here forever. People gave material things before we were here and will continue to do so after us. However, our presence is a unique part of history, and to share it with someone else is to be considered precious. Therefore, always remember to be present for those who need you. Actions for the week
A quote to remember “Friends are those rare people who ask how we are and then wait to hear the answer.” – Ed Cunningham Until another time,
Dele Ola, Award-Winning Author of Be A Change Agent Click HERE to learn about and get copies of Dele’s Books Each one of us has been given a measure of opportunity to oversee something, whether big or small. You may be a manager, an executive, a teacher, a business owner, a trader, a tradesperson, a worker, a community leader or even a parent, caregiver or an older sibling. I may not remember to mention what you are involved in or who you are. However, at every stage and within every one of our endeavours is a responsibility on our shoulder, the duty we owe to ourselves and to others for managing resources and situations appropriately. I do not know anyone, whether old or small, that does not have a responsibility, except those who refuse to do what they must do. We are all stewards of every opportunity that we have, including all the resources and physical and intellectual abilities that we possess. A true measure of success in stewardship is the difference between the beginning and the end of an opportunity. For example, if you are given an opportunity to manage a team, a measure of your stewardship success is the way you leave the team after your time managing it, compared with the way you met it. If you are a talented musician, a measure of your stewardship success could be how you used music to benefit those around you or how music has made you a better person. Stewardship requires that we carefully manage whatsoever is entrusted to us. In stewardship, we strive to add value to everything under our supervision or control, leaving things much better than how we met them. It is all about the difference that our action makes in the matter at hand. Making a difference in stewardship extends to almost everything we do, including our career, how we manage resources, how we use our time, how we manage people, and how we relate with those around us. Considering those who are close to you, would you say that they became better people because of your relationship with them? Good stewards influence others positively, imparting positive life changes and leaving memories of good things in the minds of those they encounter. Are you a good steward? Are you a successful steward of all the opportunities, resources, time, positions, authority, gifts, and skills with which you have been endowed? Would you make a difference through your stewardship? Actions for the week
A quote to remember Where I was born and where and how I have lived are unimportant. It is what I have done with where I have been that should be of interest. - Georgia O'Keeffe Until another time,
Dele Ola, Award-Winning Author of Be A Change Agent Click HERE to learn about and get copies of Dele’s Books Our experiences indicate that we will all have our fair share of the good and the challenges of life. It is no news that life is full adventures whether pleasant or not. I have not seen a single person, no matter their antecedent, who spends decades in this world and did not face any form of difficulty. The question is not whether things may become tough or not. The real deal is what we will do, what disposition we will adopt when the going gets tough. It all comes down to “attitude”. I have seen people living amidst plenty, seemingly having many good things, but do not have inner peace and happiness. I have also seen people living in a lowly state, managing to get by every day, but full of thankfulness despite their situation. Without any mistake, lowly situation does not equate to happiness, neither is plentiful living synonymous with unhappiness. What determines how anyone experiences their situation is their attitude; the way they think and feel. One thing about attitude is that it is easy to spot in a person’s action and words. People with negative attitudes say negative things, sometimes under the guise of being realistic. With them you will hear things like, “it’s impossible”, “that will never happen” or “the problem is…”. The challenge with negative words is that it allows negativity to be engrained in one’s mind, such that it is difficult to visualize how things can be better or be altogether “alright”. In my own journey, I have learnt and continue to stay calm in difficult situation and to always say, “it’s alright”. Saying that it’s alright even in the face of challenges does not mean that you are denying the situation. It only means that you have an assurance of a change in the positive direction. Afterall, negativity has no value, but positivity does. When we see things positively, we secure the courage to act in a manner consistent with the good result that we expect. Rather than using negative words when things are challenging, practice positive confessions instead. Always say, “it’s alright”. Actions for the week
A quote to remember “It takes but one positive thought when given a chance to survive and thrive to overpower an entire army of negative thoughts.”- Robert H. Schuller Until another time,
Dele Ola, Award-Winning Author of Be A Change Agent Click HERE to learn about and get copies of Dele’s Books Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you couldn’t help yourself? Have you tried speaking loudly, hoping someone would hear you out, but no one seems to care? One of the most difficult situations to be is one in which no one is ready to stand in the gap for us or speak up for us. Seeing other people hold the key that we need but insensitive to our plights can be challenging. Sometimes those who have the power to help or set others free just don’t do anything. They keep watching, keeping busy doing nothing, until the opportunity to help passes. Is that not common in our world today? Don’t we have a lot of people who are voiceless and helpless in society, people who are constantly passed by or abandoned? At work, in the community and in social circles, aren’t there people who are struggling for breakthrough but can’t get the support they need? I would like you to shift the attention away from yourself, and then consider those who are around you. Every one of us has one person or another that we can speak up for. Sometimes what people need from you isn’t extraordinarily demanding. In most cases, all we need to do is to add weight or lend our voice on behalf of those whose voice may be silent. Think about your influence at work, home or community. You will see that there are many disadvantaged people. They may not get the job, make the team, secure the contract, get the promotion, receive the aid or maximize their potential unless you stand up for them or speak up for them. The question is: who are you speaking up for? If you have ever enjoyed the benevolence of someone in your life who opened a door for you or advocated for you, I am sure you understand what I mean. Imagine what the world would look like if we had more advocates, people who are ready to speak up for, and add weight to support other people. Weighing in to help others may change the course of their life forever, just as some of us have experience. Here is a call for you to lend your voice, to be the voice of those who have no voice. Actions for the week
A quote to remember "It took me quite a long time to develop a voice, and now that I have it, I am not going to be silent" – Madeleine Albright Until another time,
Dele Ola, Award-Winning Author of Be A Change Agent Click HERE to learn about and get copies of Dele’s Books Sometime in the summer of 2023, I spent several minutes to a few hours every day in Winnipeg’s Kings Park in the Fort Richmond area. My favorite spot in the park was beside a perfectly quiet lake with a small wooden bench for me to sit. I remember sitting there one day and seeing the full reflection of the background forest in the calm lake. I had never seen water so peaceful and quiet, and reflecting its surroundings as if it were a mirror. The only sound I heard was that of the chirping birds. My “head” became very clear. I was able to think clearly with my mind, as peaceful and as clear as the waters in the lake. I felt comfort from within as I meditated, and I got carried away by the deep thoughts of beautiful things I couldn’t even explain. Then, I thought to myself, “here is the best place to be”. True story. Although my story suggested that the best place to be is a physical location, like the side of a quiet lake. However, I realized that it is not really about a physical place but about the location of our minds at any point in time. It is possible to be beside the quietest water but with the noisiest mind full of anxiety, doubts and fear. It is also possible to be in the middle of chaos and tumult while maintaining calmness on the inside. Internal peace is not a function of our outward experiences but a state of calmness that results from gratefulness, contentment, good works and a positive outlook on life. Truly happy people are those who derive their happiness from the good stored up in their hearts and not from outward factors or situations. There is a higher place of rest and happiness that we can all inhabit. We can start journeying toward it. We start by slowing down to acknowledge the beauty of life through both the good and bad times, through the experiences that have molded us into who we are and thereby being grateful for every aspect of our lives. To be in a place of happiness, one must become content, show love and compassion to others, live for the greater good and always expect the best out of life irrespective of present circumstances. It is the best place to be, a higher place of peace and tranquility. Actions for the week
A quote to remember “I must learn to be content with being happier than I deserve.” ― Jane Austen Until another time,
Dele Ola, Award-Winning Author of Be A Change Agent Click HERE to learn about and get copies of Dele’s Books I don’t know if anyone has judged your ability to do anything in the past. I have had people tell me what course I could have studied, what job I could do, how much money I could make, where I could go and what I could become in life. Guess what? They were all wrong. Only I could have judged how far I should go based on my God-given abilities. I know my gifts and talents and I must not fall short of what I must do with them. But no one else can be the judge of that, except me. Don’t misunderstand me. We do have people in our lives who advise us and truly mean well for us. However, no matter how much they know, how experienced they are and how much they love or hate us, they do not have the right to determine how far we could go in life. What is most concerning is the negativity that we allow other people to sell to us. People just want to tell you that you cannot do it. They measure your ability by what they can see and quickly conclude that you are incapable of doing what you said you could do. To make matters worse, you have shared your dreams and aspirations with those whose minds are so little they couldn’t fathom how you can achieve it. It is not their fault though, because your current state does not agree with your envisioned future. Your dream is as though a slave will become a king in the same palace where they were born to serve. I do have good news for you. What anyone believes about your dreams does not matter as much as what you believe. Moreover, your present condition is not an indication of your possible future state. What determines your future state is what you think, and then what you do about what you think. If no one else believes that you can do it, don’t worry. I am certain that you can do it because your future is not ahead of you such that you should be chasing after it, but it is already loaded within you for you to manifest. Go ahead and do whatever you have set your mind to do, and give me the chance to say, “I knew you could do it.” Actions for the week
A quote to remember “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” ―Henry Stanley Haskins Until another time,
Dele Ola, Award-Winning Author of Be A Change Agent Click HERE to learn about and get copies of Dele’s Books In law, the word “jurisdiction” refers to the limit of authority or sovereignty of power and right. For example, each court has its own jurisdiction over which it can interpret and apply the law. In a similar way, each one of us has the circle or the boundary within which we operate. We do not usually have authority beyond those boundaries. At your place of work, even if you are the boss, you would know your limits and boundaries. If you are a successful businessperson, you do not have an unlimited authority. Perhaps you have authority over your company and your staff, however, your authority is limited to that which is within your boundaries. While boundaries may be real, it is most disturbing to know that most of the boundaries we experience are those we set for ourselves. We tend to create imaginary boundaries in our minds that limit what we can or cannot do or achieve. We limit our own authority and territory by unfounded beliefs, superstition and self-doubt. For those who have fallen victim to this imaginary boundary, it is as if their minds are beclouded and their eyes unable to see beyond their own nose. The imaginary boundary may exist in one’s business or career, finances, relationships, etc. In most cases this mental jurisdiction, developed from self-limiting beliefs and miseducation, caps one’s ability to succeed or go far in one’s endeavour. It is time for each one of us to check our level of progress and ask if there are boundaries that need to be moved. What you believe about yourself, your personal success and your relationships will eventually become your reality. There is no real limit to any human ability except that which one sets in their own mind. If you think you can, you are right, and if you think you cannot, you are also right. Would you start moving all those imaginary boundaries and set yourself free from parochialism or you will hold on to your beliefs at the expense of your success and life fulfilment? The choice is yours to make. Actions for the week
A quote to remember For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don't believe, no proof is possible. – Stuart Chase Until another time,
Dele Ola, Award-Winning Author of Be A Change Agent Click HERE to learn about and get copies of Dele’s Books Share Tweet One of the lessons I have taught my children repeatedly is that there is no problem with being different. Whether it is about their background, which they have no control over, or their beliefs and choices, it is okay to be different. I see lots of people try to fit in, conforming themselves to their environment like a chameleon and seeking acceptance from the people they are supposed to enlighten. They forget that we are where we are at any point in time for a reason, usually for the purpose of bringing positive change and adding value based on our unique abilities. Each one of us has something to offer which is unique to us. We can share perspectives that are rooted in our own convictions based on positive character. Sometimes we find ourselves in situations where popular opinions are not the solution to the issues at hand. However, we tend to go with the flow because of fear of rejection or retribution. In some other cases, we hold back and keep our perspectives to ourselves because we are unsure if we would be accepted. The truth is that our silence may not serve the greater good. There are people waiting for us to be the light that will illuminate the dark places. We can be the voice for those who cannot speak for themselves and be the advocate of good courses for society. Our involvement can bring the needed change, a change of direction from misinformed choices and poor judgements. The question is whether we will lend our voices and be the light in the room or fold our arms and watch the world go by. Meanwhile, being the light is not about activism or promoting disunity. It is about learning what is right and true, and bringing it to light. It is about bringing perspectives backed by character, positivity and sound judgment to the table where decisions are made. It is about the greater good of society done in good faith and integrity. When you are the light in the room, you will illuminate other people’s hearts in a way that brings true freedom and solutions to society. Actions for the week
A quote to remember “No voice is too soft when that voice speaks for others.”- Janna Cachola. Until another time,
Dele Ola, Award-Winning Author of Be A Change Agent Click HERE to learn about and get copies of Dele’s Books I am a believer in hard work. I think no one deserves anything unless they are willing to work for it. Most of the things of value carry with them an equivalent amount of effort that went into creating them. That is why we should not be deceived when we see a display of excellence or someone around us doing something seemingly effortlessly. There is always a vast amount of effort, real labour, that goes into achieving great feats. That said, the reason something is successful is not necessarily because of the exertion of energy. If working harder means getting more, then those who labour like oxen should be the most successful and the wealthiest. However, you and I know that is not the case. I feel bad when I see people work so hard, labouring night and day, just to get less. If you do not really understand how things work, you will think this life is unfair to those in that category. Nevertheless, I have learnt that each person is rewarded based on what their effort is worth and that has nothing to do with the size of the effort but the value of the effort. Have you ever wondered why employers prefer to pay people based on time? It is because everyone’s effort per unit time is not worth the same. You and I are paid differently per hour because the value of our effort in the marketplace is not the same. You probably wonder where this discussion is going. Instead of working harder and harder, perhaps we should sit back and ask how we can increase the value of our effort in time. If your effort is worth more, you will not need to labour so hard. How well we do in the marketplace depends on how valuable we are. Gaining much has less to do with exertion. It has more to do with how much our effort is worth, and your effort is worth only as much as the marketplace is willing to pay for it. When we become more valuable, our time becomes an expensive commodity for others to buy. Before increasing your energy level, ask if it is worth the exertion. Actions for the week
A quote to remember Always remember you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. — Author Unknown Until another time,
Dele Ola, Award-Winning Author of Be A Change Agent Click HERE to learn about and get copies of Dele’s Books I don’t know about you, but as for me, I like to see some results when I put in my effort. You and I know that there are lots of wasted efforts in this world. I have watched people labour, working hard with good intentions, but with results that are not commensurate with the effort used. For some, it is as if they are collecting water in a basket and yet expecting it to become full. Every labour and time put into an endeavour matters so much. In fact, although we may have an unlimited pool of ideas, our ability to expend energy is limited. So also is our precious time that cannot be regained once it is spent. That leaves us with an option – our effort must count for something significant. Among many possible factors for having less to show for a lot of effort, lack of intentionality is chief. Anyone that does a thing haphazardly without putting much thought into it may not expect a big result. Reaping a bountiful harvest would mean that the farmer planted a good seed in good soil, which requires intentionality. Before doing anything worth doing, each one of us must sit back and ask ourselves what we really want to get out of the adventure. We must answer the question, “why am I doing what I am doing?” Unless we answer that question honestly, we are bound to travel in a direction that does not lead to our destination. It is time for us to start working for results; to start putting our effort in the direction that leads to the expected end. We must use our energy and time where they matter the most. The converse is also true. We must restrain from putting our labour and time is what doesn’t count. As a good steward of the ability, talent and opportunities that come our way, it is our duty to become intentional in how we approach life. We must lead for results. We must position our effort in such a way that we guarantee a bountiful harvest for our labor. Actions for the week
A quote to remember “The starting point of all achievement is DESIRE. Keep this constantly in mind. Weak desire brings weak results, just as a small fire makes a small amount of heat.” – Napoleon Hill. Until another time,
Dele Ola, Award-Winning Author of Be A Change Agent Click HERE to learn about and get copies of Dele’s Books My family made some traditional dresses a few weeks ago. We hired a designer to make the dresses with our choice of fabrics. As you would imagine, we took measurements for each piece of the dresses. We cross-checked to be sure they were accurate. We then sent them over to the designer alongside the specific designs we wanted. The project was completed after a few weeks. However, I was grossly disappointed. My pants were not the right size, and the top had a very tight neck opening. We later found that the dresses did not conform to the measurements we sent. The designer, for whatever reason, made dresses that didn’t meet requirements. We will never patronize that tailor again. Is that not a conclusion you too would have made? Well, as it is with making dresses, so it is with each of our businesses, careers or vocations. Each of us is required to work to certain specifications. The requirements may be set by your customer, supervisor, employer, student, or the public. Whatever you produce in your job is expected to meet certain requirements. Your ability to meet the requirements becomes the basis of your performance. Those who fail to meet the requirements are said to perform below expectations. Those who go above and beyond to meet the requirements are said to perform above expectations. It turns out that each of us can determine where we want to belong – those who perform below expectations or those who go above expectations. The choice is for each person to make. Meanwhile, just like I fired the dress designer, remember that those you serve have the choice whether to keep patronizing you or not. The reason many are unable to keep their customers or hold a job is because of lack of diligence. Those that you serve do not want a sloppy job. Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well. Don’t let your customers fire you. It should be your goal and my goal to add a touch of excellence to our work. Where is your excellence? Actions for the week
A quote to remember “What we think, or what we know, or what we believe, is in the end, of little consequence. The only thing of consequence is what we do.” – John Ruskin Until another time,
Dele Ola, Award-Winning Author of Be A Change Agent Click HERE to learn about and get copies of Dele’s Books |
November 2024
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