Every one of us has been given “life” generally at roughly the same order of magnitude. If you live long, maybe you will clock 100 years. Think about it. That is not really a very long time. The time of life is not as extensive as we think. Therefore, it is important to spend our time here doing what matters. Meanwhile, we tend to define what matters in different ways. Some believe that what matters the most is “family”. Others devote their lives to serving their communities. Yet others spend their lifetime innovating, designing, and building things and products for the future. I have also seen those who believe in developing other people and pouring their lives into future leaders. Whichever is your view, you are right. All those pursuits are worthwhile. In fact, we probably have a long list of worthwhile causes. But there is just one thing that truly matters. When you and I get to the end of our lives and we look back, that only one thing will matter. The money we owned, our fleets of exotic vehicles, the positions of authority we held, the power we possessed, our houses and lands, and our silver and gold will not matter. The only thing that will matter is “Did I do my best?” Doing our very best to live for truth, to impact others positively, to build people, and to leave a positive memory in the hearts of people – that’s what matters. It is all about the lives you touched; the people whose lives became better because of you. In all our endeavours, we must remember that there is just one thing that matters. The difference between those who enjoy fulfilment at the end of their lives and those who experience regrets is what they lived for. This message is a charge to each one of us to focus on what really matters – to focus on doing our best to leave positive memories in the minds and hearts of people. That is the only thing that matters. Actions for the week
A quote to remember Life laughs at you when you are unhappy; Life smiles at you when you are happy; But life salutes you when you make other happy. – Charlie Chaplin Until another time,
Dele Ola, Award-Winning Author of Be A Change Agent Click HERE to learn about and get copies of Dele’s Books
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