We sometimes think that our future is ahead of us. The concept of the future being yet to happen makes us think that we need to start chasing after something, so we can have a great future. Some chase after money and possessions, others after fame and recognition, and yet others after pleasure and enjoyment. Unfortunately, none of the things we chase after provides us with a fulfilling future, and we know exactly why. Nature has taught us many lessons. The things we need to know and do to live a successful and fulfilling life have been exemplified by nature. The challenge is that most of us do not learn from nature. We try to reinvent what has already been done. We try to make up our own unproven methods, whereas all we need to do is to study what already is. Let us look at what nature teaches us about the future. If I ask you what the future of an apple seed is, you may tell me it is to become a tree. The tree is trapped inside the apple seed. The destiny of an eaglet is to become an eagle and soar above the mountains. The eagle is trapped inside the eaglet. We understand that our universe is ever-expanding with new stars continuously being born. New stars are trapped in the galaxies. Why do we think that we humans are any different? Is our future not trapped within the inside of us? Everything that anyone will become in the future has already been trapped inside of the individual. The majority keep looking outside of themselves for what they need to succeed without realizing that it has been inside them all along. This is a call for us to start looking more inwardly rather than outwardly. Inside each one of us is an enormous number of talents and natural abilities. If you do not focus your attention on using the gifts and abilities inside of you to create your own future, you will always feel unfulfilled and insecure. Humans are the only entities that try to become who they are not. Fish don’t try to fly. Buffalos don’t hunt lions. You do not need to look away from your intrinsic abilities. Your future is not ahead of you, so stop chasing after it. Look inward instead and create your own future. Actions for the week
A quote to remember The best way to predict the future is to create it. – Original Author Unknown Until another time,
Dele Ola, Award-Winning Author of Be A Change Agent Click HERE to learn about and get copies of Dele’s Books
I have observed the same thing repeatedly. What it takes to stand out in the crowd is not as daunting as many of us think. We usually assume that those who would rise above others necessarily need to do something incredibly brilliant. We tend to complicate the meaning of the word “extraordinary” as if it means something out of this world. Yet, that word simply means “remarkable” or “unusual”. Meanwhile, before we can do something unusual, we must first know what is usual. All you need to do is to look around you. What you see everybody does daily is the “usual”, the commonplace pursuit that keeps everyone busy, but does not result in anything remarkable. The whole world is full of “average” – average thinking, average results, and average lives. However, I found that living the average life, which the vast majority do, is only a matter of choice. What it takes to stand out is for you to just do something above average, to put something extra on what is already ordinary. In my own life, I usually study to see what an average individual does. I will try to define what is usual and ordinary. Then I’ll go ahead to do more than that. I stretch myself beyond the average. I push the boundaries and raise the bar for myself. The result of doing above average is an outstanding outcome. Most of the people we praise as outstanding are those who dared to put an extra on their ordinary. You do not need to be the most naturally talented in your area of niche to become outstanding. You only need to start doing above average, pushing your boundaries, and becoming a better version of yourself daily. Decide to stand out in the crowd by putting an extra effort into your endeavour. That may mean extra time for thinking, planning, setting goals, working, learning, practicing, or expending energy. Whatever you do, become extraordinary. Actions for the week
A quote to remember Champions are champions not because they do anything extraordinary but because they do the ordinary things better than anyone else. — Chuck Noll Until another time,
Dele Ola, Award-Winning Author of Be A Change Agent Click HERE to learn about and get copies of Dele’s Books Anytime we talk about leadership, the picture that is easy for us to see is someone who calls the shot, directs everyone, or makes decisions. We usually visualize the leader as the one in the front; the one who visibly makes others do the work. However, leadership is much more than providing direction or even influencing others. A real leader does not only influence, but also provides support while allowing others to express their own leadership. After all, the hallmark of leadership is the building of other leaders. What kind of a leader are you? Are you the lone star that performs for the whole world to see or you are the source of illumination and support for others? Leading from behind means empowering others to innovate, make decisions and take initiative. The reason many people have reached a plateau in their leadership, with their ability capped, is that they are always holding the steering wheel, not allowing anyone else to drive. Every leader can only do so much, no matter how skilled or talented we are. The way to multiply our effort is to build other leaders and empower them to do what we would not have done singlehandedly. Those who understand this principle focus on becoming leaders of leaders. They lead from behind, providing coaching, support, and empowerment for others. Do you always or sometimes find yourself not being able to let go and let others take the lead? Are you sometimes worried that someone else may not do the job as well as you would? Well, think about the impact that you alone can make, and then think about the impact that five other leaders can make when combined. Anyone that would not let go, build others, and let them help, will eventually get worn out. They will experience the “law of diminishing returns”. The way to maintain a vibrant, growing, and effective leadership is to reproduce greater leaders in others and empower them to express their leadership. Start leading from behind. Actions for the week
A quote to remember Leaders inspire others to become better at learning, doing, growing, and becoming. – Dele Ola Until another time,
Dele Ola, Award-Winning Author of Be A Change Agent Click HERE to learn about and get copies of Dele’s Books One thing I don’t ever forget is to respect, admire, value and praise those who work with me. How about you? Think about a time in the past when you did something, whether big or small, and someone intentionally gave you kudos for doing it. How did it make you feel? Did you feel like doing it over again, and even much better? People take notice when they are honoured. They feel encouraged to do more. Respecting and honouring those who contribute their effort builds a sense of accomplishment in them. It reinforces their personal beliefs in themselves. It lifts the psyche. Not esteeming someone or honoring them for an accomplishment, a significant contribution or a completed milestone is not so different from disparaging them. Watch out! If your staff, team members, children, or those you lead do something for you or around you, and you downplay their effort, you may lose the respect they have for you. People typically respond to affirmations, accolades, awards, praise, thank-you notes, etc., in a positive, encouraging manner. The people you value are more likely to stay with you. Those you respect will respect you back, as respect begets respect. We must give honour to whom it is due. Who are the people working for you (or with you)? Look around you. Think about how beautiful our workplaces, families, communities, and society will be if we all value, respect and honour one another. Imagine a world where people are appreciated for who they are, the good they have done and what they can do. Envision a workplace, a team, a family, or an organization where people are truthful about the contributions of others and recognize them for their effort. It is time for us to start holding those around us in high esteem, acknowledging them for whatsoever they are doing or can do for the good of society. Actions for the week
A quote to remember “There is no respect for others without humility in one’s self.” – Henri Amiel Until another time,
Dele Ola, Award-Winning Author of Be A Change Agent Click HERE to learn about and get copies of Dele’s Books |
November 2024
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