If you are attempting to do anything significant, you will surely encounter obstacles. Things that are too easy to get or achieve are those with less value. If it was easy, then everyone should be able to do it. Most of the great ideas that eventually made it to success passed through the valley of death. They were tested and tried by problems and obstacles. The valley of death of ideas is the place where ideas perish, where great intentions disappear, and the dreamer decides to chicken out. One of the characteristics of this valley is that it occurs closer to the beginning of the journey. Sometimes it shows up as an abyss that we need to jump across or a brick wall that we need to break down. I observed that the majority are unable to make it to the other side of the brick wall because they do not approach it with the right strategies and tools. When you face a brick wall, you have some options: (a) you can climb the wall and cross over if you choose to, (b) you can break down the wall should you have the right tool, (c) you can change direction and look for an alternative route to the other side, and (d) you can just stand there, do nothing, and become the victim of the brick wall. Which of the options would you choose? The main point is that we should not abandon our journey into something great or significant when we face challenges or obstacles. We must ask ourselves what we need to do to overcome the problems and then act. Sometimes the sledgehammer that we need to break down the wall is our attitude. In other cases, we need to become resilient and rise above the situation, as in climbing the wall. In yet other instances we need to think of alternative ways of moving forward. And, in most cases, we need to allow other people to help in the process. When you face a brick wall, approach it with determination to overcome. Actions for the week
A quote to remember You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you think you cannot do. —Eleanor Roosevelt Until another time,
Dele Ola, Award-Winning Author of Be A Change Agent Click HERE to learn about and get copies of Dele’s Books
Our societies are built such that we are expected to think and behave in a certain way. We are somewhat conditioned to accept the opinions of others as important to our undertakings. And there are lots of those opinions. In fact, in our world today, if you do not fit in the mold, you are either ignored or belittled. It seems like you need other people’s permission to succeed. If you have a dream or ambition, and people get to know about it, they may tell you 1001 ways things won’t work. Unfortunately, many people have fallen into the trap, thinking that the opinions of the majority matter to their own conceived ideas. It is the reason a lot of dreams are aborted; why many visions are abandoned. While it is true that we need to work with others to achieve something significant, every individual is still responsible for the fulfilment of their dreams. When your big dream or lofty aspiration does not make sense to those whose minds are myopic, do not let them talk you out of it. Most of the groundbreaking achievements in our world did not make sense at first, but someone decided to spearhead the unknown to do what others think impossible. After all, Napoleon Bonaparte told us that impossible is a word only to be found in the dictionary of fools. Here is the key. You do not need to explain your dream, vision, ambition, or aspiration for the whole world to accept. If it is big enough or seems incredible, they will reject it. Nevertheless, the dream is yours and not theirs, and only you are accountable for fulfilling that for which you are here in this world. If you truly believe in what you are doing, then you owe nobody an apology. Those who believe with you will gravitate toward you and become part of your journey, while scoffers will continue to grapple with reality. Actions for the week
A quote to remember Don't waste your energy trying to change opinions ... do your thing, and don't care if they like it – Tina Fey Until another time,
Dele Ola, Award-Winning Author of Be A Change Agent Click HERE to learn about and get copies of Dele’s Books I do not want to underestimate what many people are experiencing. We all have our share of challenges related to work, home, and other areas of life. If you own a business, you probably have real business challenges that keep you alert. If you are working in a team or whatever your workplace looks like, there are usually problems you face. Sometimes we even personally face failures, setbacks, rejection, roadblocks, hurdles, and similar seemingly negative situations. However, we also have moments of success, fulfilment and laughter and the sense of enjoyment that comes with positive things. Our days go in successions of brightness and darkness. Life is like a sandwich with meat, vegetables and bread all layered together. If you are on a rollercoaster, there will be high points and low points. When one person is at the hill crest, another person may be crestfallen. Life goes in cycles. Meanwhile, those who continue to experience success and fulfilment have one thing in common. They expect better things out of life than the bad things; they focus on the brighter side. If you and I are to live a fulfilling life, we must understand that success is fabricated from several raw materials, and that the challenges we face in life are part of the equation. When we overcome challenges, we learn and become stronger. We must focus on the positive things and draw strength from our desire to reach our goals. No one told you the road will be easy. It has not been an easy road for those before us, but it is a worthwhile journey. Let us do what achievers do. They look at the brighter side of things. They have expectations of good things. They believe passionately that they will achieve their goals and become successful. In most cases, achievers inspire other people along the way. Do not allow your challenges to get you inundated. Always look at the brighter side and you will be on top of your circumstances. You are blessed. You are loaded with talents. You can do whatever you believe you can do. Actions for the week
A quote to remember Sometimes, when things are falling apart, they may actually be falling into place – Author Unknown Until another time,
Dele Ola, Award-Winning Author of Be A Change Agent Click HERE to learn about and get copies of Dele’s Books I have met a lot of talented people in my journey through life. These people possess greater abilities compared to the vast majority. You probably know them too. They are at the very top of their cadre. They show superior competence, skills, and abilities. Some are talented in the arts, others in fields of science, and yet others in business. Humans have displayed exceptionalism across various fields of endeavour throughout history and today. However, the best that anyone that has a genius can produce is still very limited. It is limited to the ability of the individual. Someone may achieve something reasonably good by working solo, but they cannot achieve something great and magnificent singlehandedly. That is why it took a team of talented people to put the first human on Mount Everest. It is the reason it took an entire crew of astronauts, scientists, engineers, program managers and governments to put the first person on the moon. I have always seen people struggle through life because they work solo. Many people are unable to go beyond a spot because they think they can achieve greatness alone. They have forgotten that most of the greatest things we have ever seen were achieved through the collective effort of those who have determined to do what no individual can do. Each time I am attempting something significant, I ask myself who my team members are. I tend to think I am talented, but I know that there are many other talented people who can boost my effort. The power of synergy cannot be underestimated. Here is the key. Stop struggling. Think about who and who else you can work with to achieve things that are bigger than what you alone can do. Well, you may need to share the praise, accolades, benefits, and the outcomes with others, but is that not the whole essence of life? Are we not here to make impacts, put smiles on other people’s faces, become fulfilled and make the world a better place for all. In whatsoever you are doing, always exploit the wonder of collective capacity for the greater good for all. Actions for the week
A quote to remember Synergy is what happens when one plus one equals ten or a hundred or even a thousand! It’s the profound result when two or more respectful human beings determine to go beyond their preconceived ideas to meet a great challenge. - Stephen Covey Until another time,
Dele Ola, Award-Winning Author of Be A Change Agent Click HERE to learn about and get copies of Dele’s Books |
December 2024
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