“No matter how gloomy the cloud may be, there will still be a silver lining”. That’s one of the expressions of wisdom I grew up with. Sometimes we focus on things that are not working well at the expense of those that are. We tend to pay attention to our problems, forgetting all our blessings. It is normal for us to be aware of our pain but easy to disregard moments without pain. That natural tendency reflects in our disposition to life in general. We unconsciously project our challenges and frustrations for others to see, and that sometimes has an overall negative impact. Those who are not happy cannot spread happiness. Those who take pleasure in focusing on their pain alone are unlikely to bring joy to others. It is not about whether we have our own challenges or not, but our disposition that determines our ultimate experience. One thing we must all realize is that no matter how difficult or problematic situations around us may be, there will always be one thing that we can be grateful for. Instead of expending our energy on shortfalls and inadequacies, we should rather focus our attention on that one thing that brings joy. A joyful heart glows, bringing illumination to the hearts of others around them. Our true experience in life is that which flows from our hearts. When the heart is right, everything will be alright. However, when the heart is filled with bitterness, nothing is alright. Meanwhile, whether the heart is joyful or not is not really about what happened to the person, but about the person’s perspectives and dispositions. It does seem like each one of us has a decision to make. Life will throw all sorts of things at us, and some of them may not be positive. The ups and downs are real for everyone as long as we live. Instead of letting life rob us of joy and gladness, we should let goodness flow from our hearts. In that case, our true experience will not depend on what happens or does not happen to us, but on an inner strength that comes from within. Let your heart glow. Be the spreader of joy. Actions for the week
A quote to remember “There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.” – Edith Wharton Until another time,
Dele Ola, Award-Winning Author of Be A Change Agent Click HERE to learn about and get copies of Dele’s Books
We all have the tendency to keep our eyes on the goal, to focus on the end that we had envisioned. In most cases, we want to arrive at our destination early enough. I have had the opportunity to drive on Canada’s Highway 401 several times. I am one of those drivers that will max out the speed limit. What fascinates me is that I see many, like half of all vehicles on the highway, pass me. Then I wonder at what speed, and where on earth, they are going. Why the rush? What is so important? I realized that it is part of human nature to be in a hurry. We want to arrive quickly. Is that not the same way we handle many areas of life? Do we not want to graduate quickly, get rich quickly, marry quickly, get promoted quickly, succeed quickly, and make everything work quickly? The main shortfall of arriving at our destination quickly is that we miss the entire journey. We focus so much on the destination and, as such, we do not enjoy the adventure. However, life is a journey. It is not all about the destination but about how we experience the journey to the destination. Driving at a reckless speed on the highway would mean that you missed the beautiful landscape your car traversed as you progressed on your trip. You missed the sights, the trees, the flowers, the nice cars passing by and, sometimes, even the road signs that should have helped you avoid the police tickets. Instead of rushing through life, we can take time to enjoy every step of the way. Take time to enjoy your work, your family, your spouse, the growing years of your children, the time you spend in college and every aspect of your life. Here is the reality. Most of us will get to the end of our lives just to realize that the achievements did not matter as much as the experience we had on the way to the achievements. The person you become and the encounters you have on your journey to success are more important than success itself. There is more to life than reaching a goal. The real experience is in the expedition. Don’t arrive without experiencing the journey. Actions for the week
A quote to remember “Life is a daring adventure towards an unknown future. Its beauty depends on how much you enjoy the journey.” ― Debasish Mridha Until another time,
Dele Ola, Award-Winning Author of Be A Change Agent Click HERE to learn about and get copies of Dele’s Books Spring is surely my favorite season. It comes at the end of Winter and, here in Canada, Winter is quite cold and harsh. Spring provides us a break from Winter and ushers in a new opportunity for planting. When I looked outside through my house windows, I could see the grass already turning green. We should expect the rustling of leaves on trees; all forest lives and bushes to thrive again. As wonderful as Spring is, I don’t generally plant anything, although I had in the past. However, I see neighbours and friends care for their planting beds, putting seeds in their dark soil and expecting something to spring to life. It feels good to see plants sprout and grow, to experience the wonderful work of nature in action. Have you ever thought about what Spring may mean outside of the natural concept? I perceive that many of us have experienced the Winter of life for so long. It is time to experience Spring. For some people, this may be the time to let their ideas spring to life. Have you carried dreams and aspirations for so long, such that you are wondering when is the right time to actualize them? Now is Spring. Get outside of the house, outside of your comfort zone, and get into the garden of life where ideas are planted and nurtured to life. You do not need to watch the weather for too long, calculating the best time to do what you would like to do. There is no perfect time in that sense. All you need to know is that it is Spring, so get out and sow the seed. Rain is surely coming. Whatsoever good you must do, go ahead and do it. Give that idea, plan, goal, project, or undertaking a chance. Allow that good relationship, charitable deed, help for others, service to the community and love for others to blossom and thrive. We create life by sowing the seed. We sustain life by caring for the plant. Do not let that seed lie lifeless in your hands. It is good stewardship to sow your seed and nurture the plant. Let it spring to life. Actions for the week
A quote to remember To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow. – Audrey Hepburn Until another time,
Dele Ola, Award-Winning Author of Be A Change Agent Click HERE to learn about and get copies of Dele’s Books Do you know that a lot of people around you have an opinion about who you should be? It is the reason someone didn’t thank you when you did something good for them. They expected that you should do it, so what do they care about how you feel after doing it? It is also the reason people blamed you when you failed. You are supposed to be perfect. So, why did you fail? In fact, those around you always know what you should do, where you should go, how you should dress, what you should say, the friends you should have, what you should buy and the person you should marry. You are the only one who doesn’t know; others do. A lot of people are under the bondage of somebody in their life who has strong control over them. Note that I used the word “control”. Some people cannot live their own lives without following the dictates of others. One thing I learned very early in my life is to be independent. I learn from others, and I hear the opinions of others, but I strive to live based on my convictions and not by someone else’s control or manipulation. Should the outcome of your life not be based on your own convictions and philosophy? Do you have a personal philosophy that you developed based on knowledge, experience, and sound judgement? If you do, then you are not supposed to be carried around by the opinions of others. Opinions are abundant, but reasoning is scarce. The problem with being controlled by others is that those who are controlled do not feel fulfilled. There is no satisfaction in living one’s life just to please others. It is time to stand up for yourself. It is time to exercise your freedom of thought and choice. After all, only you are responsible for the outcome of your life. No one may be held responsible for how things turn out for you and me. Everyone is responsible for their own decisions. Meanwhile, there is much wisdom in the counsel of those who are wise. You may ask for directions but ensure that you chart your own course. Don’t give control of your life to any human being. Live life thoughtfully and deliberately, taking personal responsibility every step of the way. Actions for the week
A quote to remember “If you own this story you get to write the ending.” – Brené Brown. Until another time,
Dele Ola, Award-Winning Author of Be A Change Agent Click HERE to learn about and get copies of Dele’s Books |
November 2024
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