I dedicated a full chapter in my new book “Rip Off Your Blindfold” to encouraging people who are going through challenging situations. I titled it “Hitting rock bottom is a good thing”. How can an unpleasant experience be a good thing? When we go through situations that are difficult for us to handle, we experience stress, and sometimes apprehension. In many cases we are not sure what the result will be. Imagine someone who loses their job, or a loved one, or who becomes bankrupt or homeless, or gets betrayed by someone trusted. How would you explain to such a person that the situation is good? Through my journey in life, I have realized that we usually don’t see our situations correctly when we are under pressure or in trouble. We tend to look only from the perspective of our problems and challenges. And that beclouds our understanding of reality. Here is the truth. The experiences we go through prepare us for bigger things. When we think the situation is breaking us, it is making us. We become stronger not because someone tells us to be strong but because we go through circumstances that build strength and resilience in us. Most of the time when we think things are falling apart, they are falling into place. Just think about grapes. Grapes need to go through a long process that includes crushing and squeezing before becoming wine. A seed that will grow into a plant needs to become planted in the soil first. When you think you are being buried, you are just being planted and you will grow into a tree that produces great fruits. You are being submerged so that you can emerge. During challenging times, focus on the lesson. Let the hard times do the complete work of transforming you into a better version of yourself. You are on a journey with purpose. Stay on course and be an overcomer. Things are falling into place, not falling apart. Actions for the week
A quote to remember “The greater the destiny, the greater obstacles you’ll have to overcome. No great destiny comes without great challenges and sacrifices.” ― Jeanette Coron Until another time,
Dele Ola, Award-Winning Author of Be A Change Agent Click HERE to learn about and get copies of Dele’s Books
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