I have observed that most of us have reasons not to shift base, try a new thing, or start a new adventure. Although some of us may have a small room for change, we typically don’t like any big disturbance, especially when we are somewhat successful. It seems like we all settle into some kind of social and economic situation, and we stop thinking of any big shift. We settle into a particular space, calling it stability. Everyone looks forward to the so-called stability, which, in most cases, is just a place of complacency. Most of us do much less than we can do. We settle into situations that are inferior to our potential abilities. We start with lots of ambitions and drive, but once we reach a certain level of attainment, we create a plateau for ourselves. My interactions with lots of people in my circle reveal that there is still much more that we yearn for. Many of us have so much more to give, and lots of talents to use, but we are unwilling to do what it takes. We have settled down and won’t like to disrupt the flow or perturb the system. That is why lots of people will reach the end of life without releasing their potential; without fulfilling purpose. My message this week is to challenge someone out there to go where their talent takes them. Is that you? Do you think you have much more to give? Do you think you are not maximizing your potential? Do you think you are limited by your environment? Have you settled into circumstances that make it difficult for you to keep moving forward? Everyone has an assignment here on earth. Your gifts and talents are pointers to your purpose and your assignment. Do not allow the comfort of the moment to rob the world of your valuable contributions to humanity and deter you from finding your personal fulfilment in life. If you need to make a change to complete your assignment, do so. Go wherever your talent takes you. Actions for the week
A quote to remember There is no passion to be found playing small - in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living. – Nelson Mandela Until another time,
Dele Ola, Award-Winning Author of Be A Change Agent Click HERE to learn about and get copies of Dele’s Books
I can tell you without any doubt that one of the enemies of innovative thinking is experience. Don’t get me wrong. Experience is very good. Sometimes we put people in certain roles because of their experience. Organizations will not typically risk putting a rookie in some sensitive and delicate roles because they lack the experience. However, experience tends to get in the way of creativity and innovation. This is because we get so used to the normal way of getting things done, such that we do not think outside the box. Anytime you hear a well-experienced and professionally respected person say, “that won’t work”, know that they are talking from experience and not from creative or innovative thinking. When you were a little child, you believed many things were possible. You probably believed your dad could buy you a small hot air balloon that would take you to the moon. You believed that because you were not familiar with the facts of life and the experience that would make you think otherwise. Here is the problem. As we grow up and gather experience, we lose our imaginative ability, the mindset of believing that everything is possible. I discussed that extensively in my book “Pursuit of Personal Leadership”. Unless someone continues to develop their imaginative ability and engage constantly in creative thinking, they will let their experience get in the way. That is why you find a lot of people in corporate places without the ability to think for change and channel an innovative course for the future. They tell you, “That doesn’t work”. One of my philosophies is that you shouldn’t say something will not work until you have tried it and tried it in different ways. People say something is impossible because of parochialism. We need to get our mindset tuned to exploring possibilities, even when we know too much about the process. In your personal and professional life, stop saying and believing that “it won’t work”. Start accepting that incredible things are possible. Actions for the week
A quote to remember Anything is possible if a person believes. – Jesus Christ Until another time,
Dele Ola, Award-Winning Author of Be A Change Agent Click HERE to learn about and get copies of Dele’s Books We face different situations in life. Some are pleasant while others are not. Sometimes the road on which we travel may be smooth while at other times we travel through rough patches. One of the situations that have become most-damaging to people is experiencing rejection, rubbishing, or reproach. This is simply because of the effect on one’s psyche. Anything that affects one’s mental health is a serious matter. No one enjoys being vilified and criticized. I am not talking about the soft, positive criticism. I am referring to damaging acts from others that want to just make us feel bad, disapproved, or unworthy. I wonder why anyone would like to do that anyway. Meanwhile, there is no guarantee that you and I will not experience this negative criticism or disparage. Since some people have determined that it is their job to make others feel bad, then we need to find the right countermeasure to this unacceptable act. Unfortunately, it may not also be within our capacity to control or correct anyone. Therefore, our defense mechanism will include becoming thick-skinned, an attitude of those who are not bothered by the negativity and rejection from others. We must become stronger versions of ourselves and develop a stable mental attitude in the face of circumstances that will normally lead to negative emotions. Sometimes we may even need to just remove ourselves from the negative environment. Don’t let anyone or anything pull you down or get under your skin. Determine to believe in yourself, your own self-worth and sense of value. After all, no one can make you feel bad without your consent. Decide that you will keep standing despite the opinions of others about you. No one has the power to control your thought unless you allow them. Become thick-skinned, unperturbed no matter what. Actions for the week
A quote to remember “Life doesn’t get easier or more forgiving, we get stronger and more resilient.” ― Steve Maraboli, Until another time,
Dele Ola, Award-Winning Author of Be A Change Agent Click HERE to learn about and get copies of Dele’s Books What came to your mind when you first saw the title of this message? I also wonder. Let us be truthful. The extreme of being realistic is actually a form of pessimism. What do I mean by that? Think about it this way: how many times have you heard people say, “I am just being realistic,” while what they mean is “I don’t believe it is possible”? If you have a very high and steep mountain in front of you, it will be a realistic thing to say that you cannot climb the mountain. That is what most of us do. We magnify our challenges in the name of facing reality and then we wonder why we are not achieving much or changing anything. We give power to our problems and then complain that the problem is not going away. While the facts of life cannot be denied – positive and negative things happen, we simply cannot focus on the facts alone without exercising our authority to change things and improve our situations. Whatever you call things is what they will be and remain. Whatever you believe as your fact and reality will become and remain your experience. This is not a superstitious stuff. When you hear someone say there is nothing more they can do, just know that they have stopped thinking. There is always something more that anyone can do. You cannot afford to let your current situation, facts of life, and challenges define your future. In the face of the facts, you must be ready to believe that something better and greater can happen. Here is how it works. The moment you convince yourself that things can be different despite your current situation, experience, or problem – the facts, your mind will start seeing possible solutions. You will see how things can change and what you can do to change them. Stop being realistic and start saying and acting the way you want things to go. Actions for the week
A quote to remember What we can or cannot do, what we consider possible or impossible, is rarely a function of our true capability. It is more likely a function of our beliefs about who we are. – Tony Robbins Until another time,
Dele Ola, Award-Winning Author of Be A Change Agent Click HERE to learn about and get copies of Dele’s Books The reason some people advise against having expectations is to avoid disappointments. Well, I will rather learn to manage disappointments while maintaining a great expectation in my heart. Don’t let anyone talk you out of having expectations. Why would anyone go through life without expecting great things to happen. Here is why you must have great expectations. Expecting something big reflects the condition of your mind. Those whose minds are full of positive thoughts, whose mental faculties are dominated by success, are the ones that have great expectations. Many of us throw away our confidence and avoid thinking about the dreams we once had because of disappointments. I get it. However, without nurturing our dreams and believing them, we would not learn to take the necessary actions toward fulfilling them. Do not let anyone or anything pull you back. You are closer to actualizing your dreams than you think. Every day presents a new opportunity to shape our dreams, act in faith and take steps forward. If you do not believe in, and nurture, your own dreams, no one else will do it for you. You must expect that your dreams will come true. You can demonstrate that by taking positive actions towards your dreams because you believe in them. It's time to take care of, and protect, your dreams, ambitions, or aspirations. It is time to nurture those dreams to grow into something meaningful. What dream are you nurturing? What have you envisioned for yourself? Where do you see yourself next? What edifice are you constructing in your mind? You will need to continue to think about them, nurture them expectantly, until they sink into your subconscious mind (your heart). Then you will see positive circumstances aligning with your actions and vice versa, until your dreams become actualized. Actions for the week
A quote to remember “There are some people who live in a dream world, and there are some who face reality; and then there are those who turn one into the other.” – Douglas H. Everett Until another time,
Dele Ola, Award-Winning Author of Be A Change Agent Click HERE to learn about and get copies of Dele’s Books |
December 2024
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