If you are attempting to do anything significant, you will surely encounter obstacles. Things that are too easy to get or achieve are those with less value. If it was easy, then everyone should be able to do it. Most of the great ideas that eventually made it to success passed through the valley of death. They were tested and tried by problems and obstacles. The valley of death of ideas is the place where ideas perish, where great intentions disappear, and the dreamer decides to chicken out. One of the characteristics of this valley is that it occurs closer to the beginning of the journey. Sometimes it shows up as an abyss that we need to jump across or a brick wall that we need to break down. I observed that the majority are unable to make it to the other side of the brick wall because they do not approach it with the right strategies and tools. When you face a brick wall, you have some options: (a) you can climb the wall and cross over if you choose to, (b) you can break down the wall should you have the right tool, (c) you can change direction and look for an alternative route to the other side, and (d) you can just stand there, do nothing, and become the victim of the brick wall. Which of the options would you choose? The main point is that we should not abandon our journey into something great or significant when we face challenges or obstacles. We must ask ourselves what we need to do to overcome the problems and then act. Sometimes the sledgehammer that we need to break down the wall is our attitude. In other cases, we need to become resilient and rise above the situation, as in climbing the wall. In yet other instances we need to think of alternative ways of moving forward. And, in most cases, we need to allow other people to help in the process. When you face a brick wall, approach it with determination to overcome. Actions for the week
A quote to remember You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you think you cannot do. —Eleanor Roosevelt Until another time,
Dele Ola, Award-Winning Author of Be A Change Agent Click HERE to learn about and get copies of Dele’s Books
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