Our experiences indicate that we will all have our fair share of the good and the challenges of life. It is no news that life is full adventures whether pleasant or not. I have not seen a single person, no matter their antecedent, who spends decades in this world and did not face any form of difficulty. The question is not whether things may become tough or not. The real deal is what we will do, what disposition we will adopt when the going gets tough. It all comes down to “attitude”. I have seen people living amidst plenty, seemingly having many good things, but do not have inner peace and happiness. I have also seen people living in a lowly state, managing to get by every day, but full of thankfulness despite their situation. Without any mistake, lowly situation does not equate to happiness, neither is plentiful living synonymous with unhappiness. What determines how anyone experiences their situation is their attitude; the way they think and feel. One thing about attitude is that it is easy to spot in a person’s action and words. People with negative attitudes say negative things, sometimes under the guise of being realistic. With them you will hear things like, “it’s impossible”, “that will never happen” or “the problem is…”. The challenge with negative words is that it allows negativity to be engrained in one’s mind, such that it is difficult to visualize how things can be better or be altogether “alright”. In my own journey, I have learnt and continue to stay calm in difficult situation and to always say, “it’s alright”. Saying that it’s alright even in the face of challenges does not mean that you are denying the situation. It only means that you have an assurance of a change in the positive direction. Afterall, negativity has no value, but positivity does. When we see things positively, we secure the courage to act in a manner consistent with the good result that we expect. Rather than using negative words when things are challenging, practice positive confessions instead. Always say, “it’s alright”. Actions for the week
A quote to remember “It takes but one positive thought when given a chance to survive and thrive to overpower an entire army of negative thoughts.”- Robert H. Schuller Until another time,
Dele Ola, Award-Winning Author of Be A Change Agent Click HERE to learn about and get copies of Dele’s Books
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